
Soundgarden Reunion Takes First Good Pop Culture News of the Decade/Year/Whatever Honors

Foster Kamer · 01/01/10 12:00PM

Why's this so important? Because Soundgarden kicked ass, is why. Sure, there are people who will go in the comments thread and be like "You didn't like Audioslave WTF is wrung w/you man?!" and others will note how much better Temple of the Dog is than Soundgarden ever could be, so how can Soundgarden ever be good? And some will simply note that "this band sucks" or "all this music sucks" as those people are wont to do about pretty much anything. Watch them! They're incredibly consistent. You can write about Israel and Palestine reaching a peaceful, two-state solution, and sure enough, someone will show up in the comments: "Arafat's no Thom Yorke. He sucks. So does his band. And so did Kid A." And they are all entitled to do so, especially the people trying to make a point about Temple of the Dog.