
Van Ness Apartment Building Tired Of Picketers Hogging All The Attention

RyanM · 11/06/07 04:48PM

Less than two full days into the WGA strike, Alexander, Ruler Of The World, the ruby red and fancifully appointed apartment complex situated directly across the street from Paramount's WGA-targeted Van Ness service gate, appears at surface to be suffering from a concentrated bout of attention envy. Alexander, Ruler Of The World has, over the course of six months, forged a sizable Van Ness attention spotlight. By strategically choosing the service gate across the street as a picketing locale, WGA strikers have dimmed that spotlight considerably - one might say they've thrown a wrench into it - and as a result Alexander, Ruler Of The World has received an estimated 60% fewer "Oh My Holy Fuck Would You Look At That Monstrosity" reactions per day.

Bow Before Alexander, Ruler Of The World

mark · 07/27/07 04:14PM

While it still has a way to go before it can equal the aesthetic crime against humanity represented by Los Angeles's preeminent residential eyesore, music producer/reality TV nutjob Norwood Young's House of Davids, up-and-coming architectural abomination ALEXANDER, RULER OF THE WORLD is quickly making a name for itself in the exciting world of "Did you fucking see that place?" landmarks.