
Which Real Housewife Is a Hooker?

Brian Moylan · 12/21/11 10:25AM

This former Real Housewife pays for her drugs by selling sex. This actor was a junkie, this actor is obsessed with porn, Courtney Stodden turned down this reality star for a threeway, and this comedian/stoner hired someone to do his Christmas shopping. We all have our vices.

Do We Really Need Two Linda Lovelace Biopics?

Maureen O'Connor · 12/20/11 03:05PM

Why does Hollywood do everything in duplicate? After Lindsay Lohan dropped out of Linda Lovelace biopic Inferno, Amanda Seyfried announced she would be playing Lovelace. Shortly thereafter, Malin Akerman announced she would replace LiLo as Lovelace. Why are there so many mixed signals in the casting of this role, I wondered.

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: White Party Problems

Brian Moylan · 12/20/11 02:10PM

There are those moments where your life changes in an instant and you don't see it coming: a mugging, an accident, the phone call that a family member has died. You were just having a wonderful day and then—slam—something snaps and all the gears come tumbling out of the watch in a comical and tragic disarray. That's sort of what happened to Taylor and Russell last night. The carousel finally stopped.

HBO Cancels All the Good Shows, Renews the Crappy One

Brian Moylan · 12/20/11 01:23PM

The axe is falling at HBO today just like it fell on Ned Stark's head on Game of Thrones (spoiler alert!) and the networked cancelled Hung, How to Make It in America, and Bored to Death. But don't worry, seven people who watched Enlightened, it's coming back for more.

Ghost Rider 2: It's Nicolas Cage Against the Devil

Leah Beckmann · 12/20/11 12:01PM

The trailer for Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, the sequel to the 2007 cinematic masterpiece, Ghost Rider, has it all: creepy precocious child actors, talking skeleton demons all ablaze, the devil taking on human form, a guy with blond hair. Topped off with the ultimate coup de grâce that is Nic (insert facial tic) Cage. Already we see him on a motorcycle, we see him cracking jokes, we see him doubled over, his body racked with sobs. Ah yes, right where we left him.

The Dark Knight Rises: Batman Does Occupy Wall Street

Brian Moylan · 12/19/11 02:45PM

Here it is, the big moment you've been waiting for, the trailer for the last of Christopher Nolan's Batman movies. Apparently it's about a bunch of villains fomenting revolution to put awful rich people in their place. Uh, a bunch of Hollywood fat cats are going to make $17 bajillion off of Occupy Wall Street? Great!

Which Musician Had Gay Sex to Get a Record Deal?

Brian Moylan · 12/19/11 10:08AM

This big deal recording artist had to sleep with a man to get to where he is. This celeb couple loves to play with other famous pairs and these two costars don't talk on set. I guess sleeping with each other to get ahead is out of the question.

Jack the Giant Killer: A Boy Learns About Beans, the Magical Fruit

Leah Beckmann · 12/16/11 04:00PM

Jack the Giant Killer, from X-Men director Bryan Singer, is the latest in a string of classic fairy tales darkly adapted for the screen. The problem with these is that they try so hard to avoid the kiss of box office death that is the for-kids-and-adults genre, that they end up being a silly, self-conscious incarnation of the anti-family flick and up looking like a Twilight afterthought, aesthetically anyway. And thus we have Jack, a retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk featuring Nicholas Hoult, the kid from the British Skins.

Britney Spears Is Engaged to Surprisingly Normal Jason No. 2

Leah Beckmann · 12/16/11 01:57PM

Britney Spears is engaged to a normal (though how normal could he be, really?) named Jason Trawick. According to TMZ, Jason was poised to pop the question tonight, but after a mysterious status update cropped up on Le Spears' Facebook wall earlier this afternoon, it would appear that the engagement took place last night.

R. Kelly Is Selling His Home, Closets Included

Leah Beckmann · 12/16/11 12:40PM

Perpetually trapped in small spaces Robert Sylvester Kelly, R. Kelly to his fanz, has listed his Illinois mansion for $1.59 million. And for the palatial 22,000 square-foot, six bedroom, eight full bathrooms and six half baths (with a bladder like his, you can't be too careful), that's a steal.

Which Latina Legend Is Being Cheated On?

Leah Beckmann · 12/16/11 10:00AM

This Latina star truly has it all, including a new STD from her philandering partner. Which downtrodden musician is begging his ex-wife for some (much needed) cash? Today's blind item stars are totally are losing it.

Expendables 2: All The Action Heroes You've Ever Known

Leah Beckmann · 12/15/11 11:59AM

Like the first in this explosive, guns and skull ridden movie, the Expendables sequel is all about the cast. This ensemble group of all stars comes together in one throbbing, heaping helping of testosterone, making this about as actiony a movie as an action movie can get. It's a caricature of the ultimate action flick, like a Snakes on a Plane meta-movie in that everybody- viewers, actors and filmmakers alike- are all in on the joke. If Hollywood were a box of toys, each of these guys is an action figure from a different comic book or TV show that you love, who come together in the sandbox for the ultimate showdown. Chuck Norris is in this for God sakes.

Here Are This Year's Golden Globes Nominees

Brian Moylan · 12/15/11 11:00AM

It's officially awards season now that the secretive geniuses at the Hollywood Foreign Press Association have announced the nominees for the Golden Globes, Hollywood's self-love and booze fest. The Artist appears to be the big winner, but that's not surprising at all. However there are some shocks to be had.

Which Two Famous Actors Like to Hook Up with Each Other?

Brian Moylan · 12/15/11 10:10AM

These two A-listers enjoy each other's company in bed, and are sometimes joined by one's wife. This actress is pretending that she found god, and this actress donates her entire wardrobe to charity once a year. Some people need to invent excuses to go shopping.

The Dictator: Sacha Baron Cohen Does Saddam Hussein

Brian Moylan · 12/14/11 01:25PM

Since everyone knows what Borat looks like and no one wanted to see Brüno, Sacha Baron
Cohen has to get all fictional on our asses and do like an actual real movie with actors and a script and all sorts of boring shit like that. At least he can rely on Saddam Hussein for laughs.

Which Actor Can't Afford His Electric Bill?

Brian Moylan · 12/14/11 10:03AM

This actor spent too much money trying to look rich and now his lights are going to be shut off. This celebrity hired a surrogate and she's living on the "Lower West Side" of Manhattan. Does that exist? This actress fed homeless people at her house. Maybe she can take in that deadbeat actor.

The Irish Jersey Shore Is a Wonder to Behold

Brian Moylan · 12/13/11 03:40PM

Faith and begorrah, my ancestors on the Emerald Isle have finally launched their own version of Jersey Shore and it is something else. It's the same bad behavior with a fraction of the budget and way more brogues. How can we get this in America?