
Lacey Donohue · 10/10/13 08:06PM

On Thursday, President Obama signed into law a bill to restore funding to families of fallen troops during the shutdown. The passage of the bill comes one day after a Maryland-based nonprofit agreed to offer an advance grant to impacted families who need help covering travel and funeral costs.

Defense Department Finally Lifts Ban on Women in Combat

Max Read · 01/23/13 03:41PM

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta is lifting the ban on women serving in combat roles, following the recommendation of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and overturning the 1994 regulation that prevented women from serving in combat units. Our endless war machine is almost officially gender-neutral!

New Obama Jobs! Panetta to Defense, Petraeus to CIA

Jim Newell · 04/27/11 10:55AM

Now that Barack Obama has released his long-form birth certificate, let's play What Other Evil News Is He Trying to Distract Us From? Maybe it's this: The AP reports that CIA Director and former Bill Clinton chief of staff Leon Panetta will take over for Defense Secretary Robert Gates this summer, while Afghanistan commander Gen. David Petraeus will replace Panetta at the CIA. Does the Obama administration want us talking about this?

John McCain's Sad, Permanent Crusade Against Gays in the Military

Jim Newell · 12/02/10 12:27PM

A proposed repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" enjoys the support of a national majority. The Pentagon has thoroughly studied and endorsed it. It wouldn't bother soldiers. DADT has been ruled unconstitutional, anyway. But John McCain needs more.

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Repeal Really Wouldn't Bother Troops

Jim Newell · 11/30/10 04:12PM

The Pentagon has officially released its several hundred-page study on whether allowing gay soldiers say "I'm gay" aloud would destroy the American military. And its survey results show: Most soldiers do not think that this would destroy the American military.

Shots Fired at the Pentagon

Jim Newell · 10/19/10 12:14PM

This morning at 4:50, some unknown idiot(s) decided to shoot their guns at the United States Department of Defense headquarters. Pentagon police heard at least five shots, and two definitely hit the building. Somehow, the building didn't completely collapse.

BP Is Still Making Big Money From US Military Oil Contracts

Jeff Neumann · 07/05/10 03:28PM

Despite tough talk from the White House, BP continues to pull in hundreds of millions of dollars from US military fuel contracts, and at least one new contract has been signed since the Deepwater Horizon rig explosion.