
Everybody Please Stop Shooting at Shit in Your Campaign Ads Now

Adam Weinstein · 07/10/14 03:55PM

Proving that conservatives don't hold exclusive rights on Second Amendment stupidity, here is a video of a 31-year-old liberal running for Congress on the strength of his ability to hit an elephant piñata with a shotgun from 10 yards, which is both easy and dumb dumb dumb.

Adam Weinstein · 06/25/14 12:36PM

Sarah Palin-endorsed candidates are losing primaries, so maybe Sarah Palin will leave the Republican Party. "If Republicans are going to act like Democrats, what's the use in getting all gung ho about getting other Republicans in there?" she tells Sean Hannity. Yes. Yes.

Adam Weinstein · 02/04/14 04:04PM

The head of the National Jewish Democratic Council is "astounded" that the Republicans' new tech startup shares a "fatalist and violent" name with a gun used by Germans in World War II: "The RNC should immediately repudiate the name of this venture, denounce the approach it suggests, and apologize," he said.

Ken Layne · 12/31/13 11:31AM

A new Pew Research study finds that 48 percent of Republicans continue to believe that "humans and other living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time," while 27 percent of Democrats continue to deny that species change and adapt.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/03/13 01:30PM

What was supposed to be a secret letter authored by all sixteen of the current Democratic female senators urging Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2016 became public this week when Sen. Kay Hagan apparently accidentally mentioned it at an EMILY's List event. ABC reports Hagan had to send out apologetic emails to the other senators.

Americans Done With U.S. Democracy, But What Will They Choose Instead?

Ken Layne · 10/22/13 12:47PM

Having learned what happens when giant babies are elected to govern the United States, Americans are very disgusted with their government. They like the Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security and Obamacare and Prescription Drug Benefits, but they don't like democracy, which is a pretty weird way to run a country.

Let's Have a Class War!

Hamilton Nolan · 09/11/13 02:11PM

Though the possibility of a runoff remains, it looks very likely that the New York City mayoral race will pit Bill de Blasio, a progressive, tax-the-rich liberal, against Joe Lhota, a Republican seen as the "last, best hope for salvaging the business-friendly government of the Bloomberg era." Are you ready for a real live class war? Now, we get one.

Tom Scocca · 08/13/13 10:21AM

Alex Pareene urges Democratic voters in New Jersey to cast their ballots against "an avatar of the wealthy elite, a camera-hog, and a political cipher" in today's special Senate primary: "Cory Booker became a millionaire because this is how the economy works for people of his class: Rich people give other rich people money to do nothing, simply because they 'deserve' it. He is the worst sort of Democrat, and Democrats should be doing everything in their power to wrest control of the party away from people like him."

Fact-Checking the 'Slut Vote' with the Christian Men's Defense Network

Mallory Ortberg · 11/07/12 10:39PM

Noted bloggist B-Skillet over at the Christian Men's Defense Network has taken a few moments away from guarding the perimeter of the last flagging Christian outpost from the Yuuzhan Vong invasion to explain exactly how Mitt Romney (apparently some kind of erstwhile candidate for political office) could have lost. B-Skillet blames "the Slut Vote" (Skillet has since put his WordPress on private; you can see Google's cache here):

The Gawker Endorsement: Mark Clayton for Senate

Max Read · 10/23/12 05:00PM

Here at, an influential Tennessee politics blog, we don't often endorse candidates. According to many medical studies, politicians are queer in the head and full of bile, and as longtime readers know, we do not consider the U.S. government legitimate since it abandoned the gold standard and put all whites up for collateral against foreign debt in 1933. (See our previous article, "Six Great Tips for Hiding the IRS Agent's Body.")

Obama's Debate: What the Fuck Did You Expect?

Mobutu Sese Seko · 10/05/12 09:35AM

After spending five years watching a diffident political compromiser campaign for and occupy the White House, Democrats were still shocked that Wednesday's debate didn't reveal Barack Obama: Political Nut-Cutter.

Bill Clinton Doesn't Really Portend Great Things For Obama

John Cook · 09/06/12 10:35AM

CHARLOTTE, N.C.— Bill Clinton's interminable speech last night here at the Time Warner Cable Arena certainly had the room going (though there was a noticeable lag in energy from minutes 457 through 588). It was probably a little tougher to take for anyone who had in hand a printed copy—small type, two columns, two pages, front-and-back—provided to the press by eager young DNC assistants. Thumbing through at what I thought was the speech's crescendo, I quickly realized that he was less than a third of the way through, and started wondering whether or not our parking lot closed at midnight.

You Can't Occupy the DNC

Hamilton Nolan · 09/05/12 01:35PM

The Occupy movement is camped in Marshall Park, which should be a walk of about three or four blocks from our perch in the bowels of the media area in the Charlotte Convention Center. In reality, you are forced by a series of fences, police barriers, and law enforcement checkpoints to walk eight blocks out of the way in a grand semicircle in order to reach the park. Once there, you find an encampment of several dozen tents, interspersed with small groups of people talking, making food, washing clothes, and talking to reporters. This, sad to say, is the heart of the protest movement at the DNC.