
Wall Street: Tuesday Morning

cityfile · 06/09/09 05:41AM

• The Treasury is expected to announce this morning that 10 banks have been given the go-ahead to repay their Troubled Asset Relief Program funds. [BN]
• The Supreme Court put the acquisition of Chrysler by Fiat on hold yesterday pending objections from three state pension funds and consumer groups. Fiat, however, says it has no plans to abandon the deal. [WSJ, NYT, DB]
• The Obama administration appears to be backing away from plans to reduce the number of three-letter agencies that oversee U.S. financial markets. [WSJ]
• Citigroup isn't paying out big bonuses in the U.S. But that isn't the case in London, where the bank has been luring traders with fat pay packages. [DB]
• Don't expect to see former Tyco chief Dennis Kozlowski walking the streets in the near future. The Supreme Court rejected his appeal yesterday. [NYP]

Kozlowski Still Guilty

cityfile · 10/16/08 08:38AM

Remember former Tyco chief Dennis Kozlowski, the face of corporate greed circa 2004? An appeals court this morning upheld the convictions of Kozlowski along with his former financial chief, Mark Swartz, both of whom remain in prison serving out sentences for fraud. [Reuters, WSJ]

Is Raffaello Cutting a Deal?

cityfile · 07/18/08 05:28AM
  • Raffaello Follieri might be in the process of negotiating a deal with the feds, which would put him in prison for five to 6 1/2 years instead of the nine-year sentence he could face if he's convicted by a jury. [NYP]

The Gatekeepers of Fifth and Park Avenues

cityfile · 07/14/08 06:22AM

Page Six Magazine published a handy little charticle on some of the most powerful co-op boards in town and the board members who stand between you and that $20 million co-op.