Lion-Killing Dentist's Email to Patients: My Bad, I Thought It Was Legal
Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/30/15 12:00PMFamous Lion Was Killed by a Minnesota Dentist With $55,000 to Spare
Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/28/15 11:31AMHorrifying Dentist Allegedly Choked Kids, Took Out Teeth for No Reason
Jay Hathaway · 05/21/15 02:00PMDental Technician Sues Charlie Sheen for Sexual Battery
Dayna Evans · 10/04/14 09:50AM
In a lawsuit filed Friday in California, a dental technician who had been assisting in treatment of an abscess in Charlie Sheen's mouth alleged that the buckwild addict actor sexually assaulted her, threatened the dentist with a knife, and flung spit all over the walls of the room. The dentist working on Sheen has denied the accusations.
Former Winner Charlie Sheen Accused of Pulling a Knife on His Dentist
Jay Hathaway · 10/02/14 09:08AMTeen In India Had Way Too Many Fucking Teeth
Dayna Evans · 07/23/14 01:22PMGirl Gets Her Wisdom Teeth Out, Demands Ryan Gosling's White Dick
Jay Hathaway · 07/16/14 12:15PMSince David After Dentist debuted in 2009, there have been so many videos of the crazy shit people say under anesthesia after getting their wisdom teeth removed that it's practically a genre now—and this girl just redefined it.
Sexist Dentist Creeps on Patient, Patient Shames Him in Online Letter
Adam Weinstein · 04/25/14 01:20PM
Hey there, sweetness. No cavities. You are a great flosser. But why don't you smile more? I bet it's 'cause of this little gap here in your cute little bunny teeth. No, here. Open up, let me show you. I've got just the thing you need. Your boss'll give you a raise! Just lie back and let me take care of it.
Horrifying Dentist’s Office Used Rusty Tools, Exposing 7,000 to HIV, Hepatitis
Maggie Lange · 03/29/13 01:58PM
A dentist's office in suburban Tusla, Oklahoma could have exposed 7,000 patients to a variety of blood-borne viruses including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV. Susan Rogers, executive director of the Oklahoma Board of Dentistry, described the office as a "perfect storm." She said that health investigators were at a loss for words to describe the breach of proper procedures:
Lindsay Lohan Skipped Probation to Get Her Filthy Teeth Fixed
Maureen O'Connor · 10/20/11 12:10PMThe Great $3 Million Toothbrush Heist
Maureen O'Connor · 09/29/11 02:29PMMark Zuckerberg's Dad Learns the Perils of Facebook Advertising
Adrian Chen · 03/30/11 02:27PMThis Sexy Rap Parody Ad for a Dentist Is a Real Thing That Exists
Matt Cherette · 03/29/11 03:54PMGlassman Dental Care is located in Manhattan and features a husband/wife team (Steven and Debra) of cosmetic dentists. Here's an ad for the practice, set to the Rihanna/Eminem song, "Love the Way You Lie," but changed to "Love Invisalign."
Mark Zuckerberg's Dad Proclaims Himself 'Father of Facebook'
Ryan Tate · 02/01/11 05:13PMChicago Dentist Behind 'Hillary for 2012' Ads Is Even Creepier Than We Thought
Jim Newell · 09/03/10 03:12PMSome Chicago Dentist Is Running 'Hillary for 2012' Ads in New Orleans
Jim Newell · 09/02/10 06:02PMHow to Choose Your Dentist
David Matthews · 01/04/10 11:00AMFinding a new dentist is tough, especially with the proliferation of cheap black market anesthesia and excavators. Not included: avoid Drs. Tim Whatley and Christian Szell.
Newsweek (Hopes) To Become The Economist
Hamilton Nolan · 02/09/09 10:07AMPrepster Designer Lacoste Licked In Court By Family Dentists
Maggie · 01/03/08 04:20PM
Yuppie clothier Lacoste just got its French ass handed to it for a second time during a court battle to protect its trademark crocodile logo. Who dared impinge on its copyright? A pair of British dentists who hung the sign on the left here outside their offices. The court ruled against Lacoste and fined the company £1,450 for legal costs but resisted the impulse to fine them further for being petty colorblind jackasses. [Reuters]