
Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/13 02:32PM

The day after Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was finally captured, Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick "got 'quite drunk' alone in a restaurant."

Assault on Unions Comes to... Massachusetts?

Jim Newell · 04/28/11 12:59PM

Massachusetts, the liberal hellhole run by a Democratic governor and two Democratic legislative chambers, is the latest, most surprising state to pick a fight with public employees' unions over collective bargaining rights.

Who Is America's Other Hooker-Nailing Governor?

The Cajun Boy · 07/20/09 12:26AM

Sunday's Daily News featured a gossip item in which a hooker who worked for the same escort agency frequented by Eliot Spitzer claims that she serviced another sitting American governor on three occasions. Who could it be? Let's speculate recklessly!

Massachusetts governor proposes jail time for online gamblers

Jordan Golson · 11/12/07 03:44PM

In a bill to allow three brick-and-mortar casinos in the Bay State, Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick has proposed two-year jail terms and a $25,000 fine for folks caught gambling online. Congressman Barney Frank, who wants federal legislation to regulate online gambling, asks, "Why is gambling in a casino OK and gambling on the Internet is not?"