
If You Don't Want the Government to Read Your Web Site, then Don't Publish a Web Site

John Cook · 01/12/12 02:10PM

Matt Drudge—who can usually be found boasting about all his mouth-breathing readers—has been taking umbrage today at the revelation that Department of Homeland Security officials "monitor" his web site, along with about 200 other news and social networking sites. Or as Glenn Beck's Blaze hilariously put it, "Homeland Security Given Green Light to Monitor American Journalists." So what do you call reading a newspaper?

The Former President of India is Not a Terrorist, Guys

Max Read · 11/13/11 02:01PM

As a patriotic American, I understand that it's necessary for our safety to frisk any and all brown people who attempt to travel on airplanes. Even so, I think we can probably assume that it was unnecessary to frisk the former President of India. Twice.

'Virtual Fence' Scrapped After Wasting $1 Billion

Jeff Neumann · 01/15/11 09:26AM

After blowing $1 billion on an electronic "virtual fence" along the border with Mexico, the Department of Homeland Security yesterday finally ditched the $7 billion project in favor of surveillance drones and human patrols. Bravo, DHS. Money well spent. [NYT]

Zappos advertising in some unexpected places

Jackson West · 05/27/08 04:40PM

Las Vegas-based e-tailer Zappos, which prides itself on innovative management techniques like paying new hires to leave, is also an "innovator" in the advertising space. Not for the company's TV ads, but for leveraging the post-9/11 security landcape to get the word out. "When I'm coming through security I know that it can be frustrating and this is to provide a little lightheartedness," senior marketing manager Andy Kurlander said of the ad-buy for space in the buckets used by travelers to feed shoes and other items through the x-ray machine. The company should also consider a market which can only buy mail-order that's an even more captive audience: Prisoners. Heck, they could order new kicks straight from a Microsoft TouchWall.