
Hamilton Nolan · 06/01/15 08:40AM

Dick Fuld, the former Lehman Bros. CEO who has “no regrets” about helping to spark the biggest financial crisis of our generation, is selling off his 75-acre estate in Sun Valley, Idaho. We pray he makes enough to hang onto his three other homes.

Classic Wall Street Villain to Haters: "Bite Me"

Hamilton Nolan · 05/29/15 09:08AM

Dick Fuld was the head of the investment bank Lehman Bros. in 2008 when the bank collapsed in the biggest bankruptcy in history, kicking off the worst part of the financial crisis. Who can say if Dick Fuld ever did anything “wrong?” Not Dick Fuld!

Rich Losers Giving Houses to Wives: Retroactive Trend

Hamilton Nolan · 02/09/09 10:46AM

Another day, another reason for the simmering rage of the proletariat to explode in revolutionary anger against the rich! Even more rich, rich Wall Street bastards have pulled shady real estate stunts. The rage; it burns!

Rich Folks Think They're Slick, but They're Not

Hamilton Nolan · 01/26/09 10:32AM

The rich financiers who brought the world economy to its knees: they're acting up! Lehman's failed chief is pulling shady real estate deals. Citigroup is wantonly buying expensive things. Let's jeer them, collectively!

It's So Awkward Being Rich These Days

Owen Thomas · 01/07/09 03:34PM

Unconspicuous consumption is the hot new thing. That $300 million megayacht? Tacky, what with the layoffs. Private jet? Forget about it, after Detroit's debacle. Even the celebrity goodie-bag business is endangered.

Needy Dick Fuld Selling Art For Millions

Hamilton Nolan · 11/12/08 12:31PM

Poor failed investment bank Lehman Bros. is selling $8 million worth of art that used to inspire I-bankers to create beautiful works of finance, but now is just sitting around waiting to be liquidated in order to pay off creditors. Sad. But also appropriate! Because Richard "Dick" Fuld, the ex-CEO who ran Lehman into the ground, is auctioning off some of his own personal art collection tonight—and he was smart enough to get a $20 million guarantee for it, just before everything went to hell!: