
Ladies Don't Work the Night Shift

Hamilton Nolan · 05/26/10 08:57AM

Science: Women work like this (mostly during regular 9-5 hours), but men work like this (far more likely to work off-hour shifts). Economic-centric gender theoreticians postulate this may be due to the fact that women be shoppin. [NYT]

The Liquor Ad That Only Gays Were Supposed To See

Hamilton Nolan · 03/27/08 03:28PM

Gays: Here is one of the plainest insights you will ever get into how you are perceived by the liquor industry, and, by extension, by the advertising industry that gets paid to understand consumers such as yourself. Pictured here is an ad for Basil Hayden's whiskey that was placed in "general market" publications. Its tagline reads, "When you walk into a bar, you're on stage." After the jump, the tagline for the version of that same ad that was placed into Gay/ Lesbian publications: