
Discrimination Against Hillbillies Is Rampant in Higher Education

Adam Weinstein · 05/16/14 02:00PM

The academy. It claims to stand for inclusiveness and diversity and voices of dissent. But what happens when students decide to vote with their feet—their bare feet—and a professor calls those students "hillbillies"? Well sir, you've got a discrimination problem.

Idaho Bigots Won't Let Elderly Gay Veteran Be Buried With Her Wife

Adam Weinstein · 04/24/14 12:00PM

Madelynn Taylor, 74, served six years in the Navy. Madelynn Taylor grew up with the woman she would eventually marry in Oregon, in 1995. Madelynn Taylor is welcome to be buried in the veterans' cemetery in Idaho, where she now lives. But not with her now-deceased spouse, thanks to an anti-gay state law.

Rich Juzwiak · 02/20/14 12:26PM

The Arizona Senate voted in favor of a measure that would allow business owners the right to refuse gays service based on religious beliefs. "This bill is not about discrimination," Sen. Steve Yarbrough said. "It's about preventing discrimination against people who are clearly living out their faith." Related.

Lawsuit: Clueless California Cops Beat Deaf Man For Doing Nothing

Adam Weinstein · 02/17/14 05:47PM

A Southern California man was beaten, Tasered and burned by local cops who thought he was threatening them and didn't realize he was gesturing that he was deaf, according to a discrimination lawsuit he's filed in federal court.

"Anti-Gay Jim Crow" Bill Gets Dangerously Close to Becoming Kansas Law

Rich Juzwiak · 02/14/14 03:50PM

First, the good news: A bill approved Wednesday by the Kansas House of Representatives by a vote of 72 to 49 that would allow for Jim Crow-style anti-gay discrimination seems unlikely to pass even in the Republican-controlled Senate, according to Senate President Susan Wagle.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/06/14 11:00AM

A new survey finds that male economics Ph.D.'s who get married early in their careers see their salaries grow 25%, while females who do the same thing see their salaries shrink by 23%. You can't argue with the free market, I guess.

Judge Throws Out Racial Discrimination Claims Against Paula Deen

Caity Weaver · 08/12/13 05:30PM

A federal judge in Georgia has just thrown out the claims of racial discrimination filed as part of a $1.2 million lawsuit against gooey butter cake Paula Deen by former employee Lisa Jackson. Good thing they nipped that one in the bud before it exploded into the sky like a magnificent fireball, melting the sugar-windows, liquifying the gumdrop roads, and incinerating the gingerbread infrastructure of Paula Deen's candy kingdom.