
Florida Warns Beachgoers of Flesh-Eating Bacteria in the Water

Adam Weinstein · 07/28/14 02:50PM

Health officials in Florida today issued new warnings about high levels of a flesh-eating bacterium in the ocean and other recreational waters in the state. The state says that bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus, causes ulceration and rapid skin decay and is fatal in about 50 percent of people who get it in their bloodstreams.

Insane Parents Now Buying and Selling Chicken Pox Lollipops

Max Read · 11/05/11 04:46PM

A U.S. Attorney in Tenn. has been forced to remind parents not to buy or sell lollipops that have been spat on or licked by children with infectious diseases like chicken pox. So much for the "free market" in Barry Soetero's America, eh?

Deadly Brain-Eating Amoebas Are on the Loose

Brian Moylan · 08/18/11 01:33PM

Hypochondriacs stop reading now, because there is an outbreak of deadly brain-eating amoebas. OK, only three cases so far, but still, there is a scary parasite out there in lakes and ponds just waiting to eat out your brain like a little zombie. Not even neti pots are safe!

Introducing America's Newest Disfiguring Disease: Blackberry Neck

Brian Moylan · 06/22/11 02:12PM

Did you know that spending too much time looking down at your Blackberry and texting is going to give your neck ugly and unsightly wrinkles? It's true! It's called Blackberry Neck. Says who? Well, the lady who came up with the treatment to fight Blackberry Neck.

Dog Eats Off Owner's Toes as He Sleeps

Max Read · 03/07/11 12:30AM

Do you have a dog? Have you taken any naps lately? Quick, count your toes! Because—if your dog is anything like this Shiba Inu in Oregon—some of them might be missing:

Relax, People, You Will Not Get Cholera

Brian Moylan · 11/17/10 03:02PM

A Miami woman returned from Haiti with a case of cholera. The disease has afflicted thousands in Haiti, but there hasn't been here since the '90s. But stay calm. No matter what newspeople say, none of you are at risk.

How to Avoid Catching the Brand-New 'Drug-Resistant Superbugs'

Max Read · 09/13/10 08:08PM

How are you feeling today? Feverish? A little bit under the weather? It's probably the flu, right? Or it's a new, antibiotic-resistant "superbug"! They've already appeared in three U.S. states. But don't fret! Follow our guide to stay healthy!

Leave It to Beaver

Ravi Somaiya · 11/16/09 05:30AM

Years of conservative, abstinence-only sex education, and thus teenagers using bread bags because they can't get condoms, mean that America is now rife with nasty sexually transmitted infections.

This Holiday Season, Watch Out For Gout

Jen · 11/16/07 04:00PM

Does the bedsheet touching the top of your foot feel like a hot prod? The season of overeating is almost upon us, and, Dr. Rock Positano warns in his HuffPo blog today, if you don't limit your gravy intake, you're asking for trouble in the form of a burning, swollen toe.