
Take Off Your God Damn Livestrong Bracelets

Hamilton Nolan · 10/17/12 08:45AM

In 1996, cycling champion Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with cancer. By 1999, he had recovered and made a miraculous return to win the Tour de France. Five years later, the LIVESTRONG charity, which battles cancer, started distributing yellow rubber bracelets emblazoned with "LIVESTRONG" in honor of Armstrong's courage and tenacity. And now, eight long years later, it's time to cut that dirty motherfucking bracelet off your wrist and throw it into the trash.

The D.C. Press Corps Is Fine With Being Fawning Lap Dogs to Power, Just Not on Camera

Hamilton Nolan · 03/23/12 09:45AM

There are no better symbols of the rotten soul of the Washington, DC press corps than its annual "Cocksuckers to Power" dinners, when journalists emerge from their cave to backslap with and be patronized by the very politicians that they are supposed to be covering in an aggressive manner, on behalf of the public. The White House Correspondents Dinner is the most high-profile example of this sickening vomitorium of fellatio of power. Now its prime competitor, The Gridiron Dinner, is getting jealous.

Why Maureen Dowd Is Not a Good Columnist

Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/11 10:28AM

Earlier this month, former Senator Chris Dodd became the new CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America, making him, in essence, Hollywood's chief lobbyist. This was notable, since Dodd—a onetime favorite of populists—had repeatedly promised not to become a lobbyist when he left the Senate. Glenn Greenwald reflected on the depressing statement that Dodd's hypocrisy made about the entire American political system:

Tyra Banks Can't Help But Be Repulsed By Sex Addict

Mike Byhoff · 12/07/09 03:50PM

Today's Tyra was all about sex addicts and how they cope. Everyone is understanding and compassionate until this addict starts talking about masturbating in public. Then Tyra and her audience bring out the "you disgraceful pervert" face.