Hamilton Nolan · 01/21/13 11:22AM
Hungry turtles, angry jellyfish, explosions, drowning, and other hazards of life as a professional deep sea diver.
Hungry turtles, angry jellyfish, explosions, drowning, and other hazards of life as a professional deep sea diver.
The Japanese have become lemmings! Check out these precision timed divers follow one another off the diving board, leaving only a couple seconds in between plunges. It starts to look superhuman after a while.
How do you fight off a shark attack? Pull its tail, apparently. That's what happened today in Australia when a dive instructor was bitten in the leg and butt and a swimmer yanked the shark's tail, which then fled.
We give this diver a 0 for grace, but a 9.5 for amusement factor and schadenfreude!