
Hamilton Nolan · 08/12/15 03:17PM

“They told us in J-school, to make it is not common/ And if you do, get used to the taste of Top Ramen/ Go to the first place that likes your resume tape/ It’ll be a small town there the weather ain’t great.” Here is a rap track about being a TV reporter. [Previously; Previously]

Don't Make That Rap Video: PR Dummies Edition

Hamilton Nolan · 06/22/12 01:55PM

Welcome to PR Dummies. The public relations industry is full of people who are trained to show enthusiasm for any paying customer, on demand. This naturally erodes their own innate taste. Which is to say: PR people have bad taste. Which is to say: please, don't make that rap video.

Don't Make That Startup Video!

Ryan Tate · 12/20/11 05:15PM

We've explained time and time again that you should put down the camera and not make that rap video. Apparently some clarification is in order: This goes for web startups, too. In fact, web startups should avoid music videos of any sort.