
Robert Kessler · 04/23/13 08:00PM

The Justice Department has filed suit against Lance Armstrong to recover funds the U.S. Post Office spent sponsoring the fraud of an athlete.

'I Deserve to be Punished, I'm Not Sure That I Deserve a Death Penalty': Lance Armstrong on Coming Clean to His Family, Fans

Robert Kessler · 01/19/13 01:33AM

The final half of Lance Armstrong's interview with Oprah aired Friday. While the first night focused more on the history of Armstrong's abuse of performance-enhancing drugs, tonight focused largely on the impact coming clean has had on Amstrong, his family (including his son Luke who spent years defending his father in person and online), his friends and his organization Livestrong — from which he has now severed all ties.

Apparently Lance Armstrong Bribes People, Too

Alyssa Bereznak · 10/20/12 04:52PM

Continuing a fall from grace so epic that it rivals the span of, say, the Tour de France, ex-Nike bestie Lance Armstrong is now facing charges of bribery, in addition to allegations that he ran a doping ring among fellow cyclists. If you have not already set fire to your copy of It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life, feel free to do so now.