The Indestructible Dolly Lenz
cityfile · 02/11/09 01:32PM
Dolly Lenz set records in 2006 when she sold an astounding $748 million worth of real estate. (Or so she claims, at least.) Max Abelson files a report in this week's Observer about Dolly's much rockier 2008-09 and the decision to drop the Blackberry-obsessed broker from three very high-profile new projects in recent months. But Dolly's recent stumbles won't prevent her from stepping up to the podium at the Pierre tomorrow night when Prudential Douglas Elliman's hands out its "Broker of the Year" award: "Just as it's been since Dottie Herman and Howard Lorber bought the company in 2003, and as it will be until the day onyx bathrooms and heated-floor kitchens all cease to exist, the award will go to Dolly Lenz." [NYO]