Doug: "Doug and Patty Sittin' in a Tree"
Whitney Jefferson · 02/19/11 08:00AMThis the most important moment in the teenage life of Nickelodeon's Doug Funnie—yes, even better than meeting The Beets at the Honker Burger with Skeeter. His crush, Patti Mayonaise, has asked him out on a date.
Doug Funnie Gets The Movie Trailer Treatment
Kate Shapiro · 11/11/10 07:15PMWhat would it be like if Doug Funnie returned to Bluffington as a twenty-something Garden State style? Well, Porkchop's dead, Judy works at the Honker-Burger, and Patty Mayonnaise is still totally hot. Watch this parody and revisit your Nickelodeon days.
Watch Doug Funnie Perform "Teach Me How to Dougie"
Whitney Jefferson · 10/20/10 08:30AMSomebody was smart enough to set Cali Swag District's "Teach Me How to Dougie" to all of Doug Funnie's best dance moves and slick 90s outfits. Thanks again, internet!
Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day
Whitney Jefferson · 09/10/10 03:00PMWatch a Supercut of Roger Klotz' Evil Laugh on Doug
Whitney Jefferson · 09/10/10 09:20AMDoug: The Adventures of Quailman
Anderson Evans · 01/16/10 10:30AMAs the first of Nickelodeon's 'Nicktoon' releases, Jim Jinkins' Doug was a success running from 1991 to 1999. Quailman, the title character's super-powered alter-ego, garners super-powers by wearing underwear outside of his pants.
"It's always darkest before it's pitch black"
Owen Thomas · 10/09/08 07:00PM
Bad times have hit sunnily optimistic northern California. Does it matter if the mayhem on Wall Street had any real connection with the tech-powered Silicon Valley economy? Some of the region's most influential power brokers believe it will — and by pushing others around, they can make perception reality. A helpful insider has provided notes from a recent meeting of Sequoia Capital, a backer of Apple, Cisco, and Google which has risen to become the Valley's preeminent venture-capital firm. Michael Moritz had summoned CEOs of Sequoia's portfolio companies to tell them to prepare for a long, hard downturn. The bottom line: All startups must become cash-flow positive — in other words, earn more than they spend. Or in other, other words, act like the real businesses they always should have emulated. Here are what our tipster claims are notes from the meeting, apparently forwarded by one of the attendees: