
Juan Williams Is Just a Grumpy Old Republican Now

Hamilton Nolan · 08/27/13 09:04AM

Remember when Juan Williams was a respected NPR journalist? It seems so long ago. He said something dumb, got fired, got bitter, got picked up by Fox News, and now makes a living as a sort of reformed liberal talking clown, paid to confirm the right wing's prejudices. Today: Juan Williams doesn't like that rapping music, either!

The Downfall of Marc Ecko

Hamilton Nolan · 10/28/09 10:19AM

In one way, Marc Ecko's a role model: He started with style and a dream and made it to the top of pop fashion. In a more accurate way, Marc Ecko is a walking "What Not to Do" guide.

Jail-Bound! Ken Starr Can't Get Jeffrey Epstein Off

Choire · 10/01/07 10:50AM

Probable non-billionaire money manager and massage enthusiast Jeffrey Epstein "has agreed to plead guilty to soliciting underage prostitutes at his Florida mansion in a deal that will send him to prison for about 18 months," says the New York Post. He'll also get some quiet house arrest time. The Post claims that the feds will drop their own investigation for his pleading guilty to the Florida state charges. Could be true! Since the feds don't ever talk, and Epstein's main lawyer didn't talk, we assume this was all put out by PR man Howard Rubenstein, in an effort to get it out early and make it blow over. This still is shocking—is Jeffrey Epstein really gonna go to jail, with Clinton-hating Ken Starr and his entourage of lawyers working on his behalf? Travesty! This is not supposed to happen to the rich!

Geraldo Rivera Protects And Serves

Erica · 08/01/07 02:20PM

The date: July 25th at 6:35pm

The place: 89th & 5th

Sighted: Waiting for a friend I happen to see a big ol' Bentley pull up to the stop light with an NYPD license plate. I think to myself "what the f**k, I need to become a police officer?" As the car pulls away from the light I see a very stressed out looking Geraldo Rivera behind the wheel. Couldn't help but notice his overgrown 'stache.

Rocco DiSpirito Is Now A Purveyor Of Frozen Dinners

Choire · 08/01/07 11:20AM

When we last left Rocco DiSpirito, star of "The Restaurant," a reality show about a failed restaurant opening, he was a lusty man about town, popular in the gossip columns for man-handling whatever hot young thing was nearest. Last year, there was allegedly an A&E reality show pilot; there was to be an autobiography film and a turn on Broadway. But those crazy ideas fell by the wayside as he followed his bliss. So now he's lending his name to TV dinners.