
Glenn Beck Doesn't Pull Them In Like He Used To

Seth Abramovitch · 10/10/11 02:52AM

It's been a different world for Glenn Beck ever since he vacated his post at Fox News, under the vaguest of circumstances. (Certainly, Roger Ailes bluntly and dismissively telling an AP reporter that he only hired Beck because he "was hot and got ratings" didn't help much to mend fences.) But life goes on for America's foremost babbling dipshit. One simply pumps oneself up with a rousing selection from the original cast recording of Spider-Man: Switch Off the Lights, silently wishes a painful and prolonged death upon one's enemies (all 85 million of them), and then steps out onto the stage of a near-empty ballroom at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C., for a scheduled appearance at the 2011 Values Voter Summit.

Tripoli Tumbles on City 'Liveability Ranking Report'

Jeff Neumann · 08/31/11 04:30AM

The Economist Intelligence Unit annually releases a "Liveability Ranking Report" that "assesses which locations around the world provide the best or the worst living conditions." HR Departments routinely use it as a benchmark for whether or not a company's employees should get hardship pay. If you were, say, an oil man sent to grab Libya's natural resources at the behest of a major company (or after the "Lockerbie Bomber" was swapped for lucrative oil contracts), well, you'd be in the money! But it also wouldn't be much fun.