
Jon Stewart Points Out the Hypocrisy of Sarah Palin's Dr. Laura Defense

Matt Cherette · 08/24/10 10:23PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart tackled Dr. Laura Schlessinger's reprehensible, racist comments (listen here). Specifically, Stewart called out Sarah Palin for blindly/stupidly/hypocritically defending Schlessinger's vitriol when she'd called for Rahm Emanuel's firing last year for essentially the same thing. Video inside.

Dr. Laura Apologizes for Shocking, N-Word Filled Radio Rant

Matt Cherette · 08/12/10 06:32PM

Yesterday, Dr. Laura Schlessinger shocked her radio show audience when she argued with a black woman about racism and—among other things—said the word "nigger" six times. Today, Schlessinger apologized for her incredibly offensive rant. Audio and transcripts, inside.