
Robert Durst's Drag Mother Speaks

Rich Juzwiak · 04/08/15 08:51AM

Fucked-up timeline notwithstanding, the most frustrating element of HBO's true-crime documentary series The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst was that we never got to see Durst in the drag he donned while hiding from Jeanine Pirro in Galveston, Texas. You know that whatever he looked like while impersonating a woman, it was an amazing sight to behold.

Adam Weinstein · 05/06/14 02:11PM

There's still time for you to vote for the anti-gay marriage ex-drag queen in today's North Carolina GOP primary for Senate. As he puts it: "Regardless of what I did in my twenties—remember to VOTE today—vote conservative and vote after praying." And DANCE after voting. In Lucite platforms!

Steven Tyler Dresses in Drag, Calls Himself "Pepper LaBeija" and Now the Whole Paris Is Burning Thing Is Out of Control

Rich Juzwiak · 02/01/13 01:10PM

If you need any more proof of the increased cultural pull of Jennie Livingston's 1990 New York drag-ball documentary Paris Is Burning, look no further than the most popular show in the United States. On last night's American Idol, former judge/Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler donned a wig, makeup and a dress for a gag audition. He introduced himself as "Pepper LaBeija, from the House of LaBeija," referencing an actual (now dead) human being, who is featured prominently in Burning. Granted, the joke of Tyler's appearance was to be antithetical to the "realness" rhapsodized by the Burning queens. His drag was more on the Milton Berle side of things, approaching disrespect for the medium, but at least he knows his shit — or knows someone who knows. Wise.

Alex Trebek Makes a Surprisingly Good Drag Queen

Maureen O'Connor · 11/10/11 02:19PM

Last night on Jeopardy!'s Tournament of Champions, a giddy Alex Trebek dressed up in Metropolitan Opera costumes for a trippy category on "Operatic Costumes." Now that we have seen America's most robotic game show host vamping in a Le Comte Ory nun costume, are we ready for the gender-bending Rapture? [Jeopardy, Esquire, @ZWoolfe]

Cross-Dressing Gang Terrorizes Florida in Search of Drag Queen Essentials

Seth Abramovitch · 09/20/11 12:37AM

A marauding gang of cross-dressing bandits stand accused of stealing "thousands of dollars of filmy fabrics, sequins, feather boas and other accessories" from stores across Florida. This loathsome act of scrunchie-jacking larceny has produced some of the best eyewitness quotes from any single news story in recent memory. Orlando Sentinel, you are the best.

Steve Guttenberg Continues To Embarrass Himself For Our (and His) Pleasure

Richard Lawson · 09/19/08 01:32PM

Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star? We do, we do. And I guess he do too, sorta. The Police Academy star's bizarre resurgence into the public eye—complete with horribly embarrassing interviews, sign carrying antics, and Brad Pitt-bashing—rumbles on. Last night he made an appearance at a show at the Upright Citizens Brigade theatre, wearing a dress. The question on our minds is, while he seems totally complicit in this "The Gute as laughable punching bag" meme, is he aware of just how much of a joke it actually is? I mean, this is either really funny or really sad. Like so many things in life. Maybe it doesn't matter either way, though. According to BWE, he seems happy:

Christopher Walken: Man In Bras

Seth Abramovitch · 02/18/08 05:07PM

Christopher Walken, beloved star of True Romance, and, more recently, testicular-imagery-laden competitive table tennis spoof Balls of Fury, showed up in person Friday night to collect his Hasty Pudding Man of the Year award from the famous Harvard dramatic club. The appearance took full advantage of the multi-talented icon, with Pudding members requesting that Walken perform a song from Hairspray, intone his "more cowbell" catchphrase from the classic SNL skit, and, in a scenario that perhaps skirted the boundaries of good taste, reenact the Russian Roulette scene from The Deer Hunter using a Super Soaker filled with strawberry jam.