Pople Drank: What's Up With Pope Francis and His Pipe Thing?
Ken Layne · 12/04/13 01:44PM
Pope Francis is a different kind of pontiff, a friendly and humble Jesuit who loves to hang out on the corner with his people. But what's that bowl-pipe thing he carries around and frequently takes a hit off? It's a mate cup with a silver straw. And it's how you drink the caffeine-loaded "national infusion" of Francis' homeland, Argentina.
Eight Glasses of Water a Day Is 'Nonsense'
Seth Abramovitch · 07/14/11 08:10PM
Are you one of millions of Americans who looks down with pride at the powerful stream of colorless, translucent fluid flowing out of your body every time your empty your bladder? Who takes great personal satisfaction in knowing you've downed enough bottled water in a single day to satisfy the hydration needs of your average circus elephant? Well, a new study suggests you might be wasting your time.
The New Trendy Drink Everyone But You Already Knows About
Adrian Chen · 06/21/11 03:33PMMixture of Caffeine and Alcohol: The Cause of Everything Bad
Hamilton Nolan · 10/27/10 09:11AMPOM Sued for Not Having 'Super Health Powers'
Maureen O'Connor · 09/27/10 04:16PMJimmy Fallon and Rachel Maddow Get Drunk, New Orleans-Style
Matt Cherette · 09/03/10 12:30PMNorth Korea Develops Anti-Aging 'Super Drink'
Jeff Neumann · 06/04/10 10:05AMTiger Woods Will Have to Look Elsewhere for Stress Relief
cityfile · 12/08/09 06:03PM
The revelations about Tiger Woods' extra-curricular escapades may now be catching up with him, or it may just be a coincidence, but Gatorade confirmed today that it plans to discontinue Tiger Focus, the sports drink "inspired" by Woods' "legendary mental toughness" that promises to reduce mental and physical stress. The company says the decision to drop the beverage had nothing to do with recent events, though, and was made more several months ago. [CNBC]
'Food' Causes Obesity, Warn Scientists
Hamilton Nolan · 11/09/09 12:27PM- Bread.
Marketers Now Going Bananas For Coconuts
cityfile · 08/27/09 09:03AM
Why did we all get together and agree to stop drinking water? Who knows, really, but we must have at some point because sales of bottled water have been falling fast over the past few months. Which explains why beverage companies are now in the process of coming up with all sorts of crazy new drinks to make up the difference.