
Philly’s Hottest Nightclub Doubles as a Kindergarten

Jeff Neumann · 03/31/10 04:40AM

Club Damani, known by day as Harambee Charter School, offers dancing, drinking, rapping, and an expired liquor license. State officials aren't happy about this. But they should relax, because the club's in-house performer says, "Yo, I got that weed."

Preppie Idiot Robert Chambers Headed Back To Jail

Maggie · 10/23/07 11:15AM

Say a final farewell to Robert Chambers, the man who ensured E! Channel-level publicity in perpetuity for Upper East Side Irish pub Dorrian's Red Hand, which is the last place his former ladyfriend was seen alive in 1986. Like so many preppy misfits and high-profile morons before him, dude just couldn't stick to his first two crimes (that would be murder and, in 2004, just after he was released from prison, possession and driving on a suspended license). Chambers and his girlfriend (this one was still alive!) sold more than a half-pound of cocaine out of their E. 57th Street apartment to undercover agents in recent months, who popped the two of them yesterday.

Gay Club Mr. Black Really Not A Coked-Up Drug Haven

Choire · 09/12/07 12:30PM

In the Labor Day weekend raid on Mr. Black, the gay party spot at Broadway and Bleecker, "the NYPD collected 55 packages of cocaine, five vials of cocaine, and 16 Ecstasy pills that were either found on the floor or collected from patrons," according to Tricia Romano at the Voice. This prompted Luke Nero, the bar's cocktail waiter (who is nicknamed "The Ass" [NSFW!]) to claim that "They came to shut down a drug racket, but there wasn't any drug racket to shut down." Uh, really? 15 patrons and 17 employees were arrested all told, two of whom were drug dealers, and eleven more of whom were charged with misdemeanors, including an employee who had four bags of coke on him—in his own pants! Didn't Lindsay teach him anything? Related: Coke is apparently still back!