
City-Sanctioned Pot Farms Coming to Northern California

Adrian Chen · 11/21/10 02:12PM

Yet more evidence that Northern California is the Chillest Place on Earth: City-sanctioned pot farms and "gardens" should soon be springing up in a handful of super laid-back municipalities. In Oakland, they're processing applications for four "industrial sized pot farms."

Government Prepares for Pot Growers' Bomb-Flinging Terrorist Attack

Jim Newell · 11/19/10 03:38PM

Government counter-terrorism officials gamed out a very likely terrorist scenario in a Northern California drill this week: That of marijuana growers setting off bombs, taking hostages, and laying siege to a strategically critical dam. We are so prepared for this!

Farewell, Sweet Darvon

Hamilton Nolan · 11/19/10 02:39PM

No Darvon! Airport smoking! Lou Gehrig's disease! Gym grunting! Flu shots! Racewalking! Nigerian curses! And mental illness is a call to arms! It's your Friday Health Watch, where we watch your health—while hallucinating and self-medicating in a nonstop cycle!

A Brief History of Mind-Altering Drugs

Ena Brdjanovic · 11/18/10 11:31AM

Mike Jay's High Society parallels the history of drugs to the history of imperialism (Chinese opium, British heroine, Austrian cocaine). As anyone who's studied abroad for the "cultural experience" will tell you: every society is a high society.

Mexican Cartels Hiring Pre-Teen Hitmen

Jeff Neumann · 11/13/10 02:15PM

Mexican drug cartels are allegedly hiring hitmen as young as 12 years old to kill rivals and, failing that, random people — "maybe a construction worker or a taxi driver" — one kid, "El Ponchis" says on a cartel video.

Britain Is Europe's Cocaine 'League' Leader

Jeff Neumann · 11/10/10 06:52AM

A new report by the EU's drug agency places Britain on top of the world's cocaine consuming nations, with more young Britons having used cocaine than Americans in the same age group. There's also been an increase in crack smoking.

War on Drugs Trumps War on Terror

John Cook · 11/08/10 12:34PM

David Headley, an American of Pakistani descent who is accused of helping plan the Mumbai terrorist attacks, was also a DEA informant. American officials received repeated warnings that Headley was planning attacks, but ignored them because drugs are really bad.