
Being in Love Makes You Impervious to Pain

Max Read · 10/14/10 02:08AM

Hey! Next time you have a headache, don't reach for an Advil—instead, fall passionately in love with a person of your choosing. You see, scientists have found that love can act as a fairly powerful painkiller. Like morphine!

Watch What Happens When a Portrait Artist Takes LSD

Matt Toder · 10/12/10 01:55PM

In the 1950's, when the US government was experimenting with psychotomimetic drugs, an artist was given a dose of LSD 25 and drawing materials. His drawings—and journey—inside.

Facebook Co-Founders Donate To Pot Legalization

Ryan Tate · 10/11/10 01:50PM

Sean Parker and Dustin Moskovitz have donated a total of $170,000 to support California's Proposition 19 to legalize marijuana. In so doing, the old friends of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg have become two of pot legalization's best friends.

Criminals Everywhere Unable to Carry Out a Simple Robbery

Hamilton Nolan · 10/06/10 09:52AM

Criminals: are they becoming less able? In cities across the world, it has been a terrible week for those who try to make their living by robbing others. Three examples below illustrate this embarrassing trend of outlaw incompetence.

The Classiest Weed Commercial Ever Made

Ryan Tate · 10/04/10 05:26PM

It's also a little creepy. Do we really want bud going this corporate? How many years before we see one of these spots on television? And that's totally a fake British doctor's accent, right? In any case, it's nice that they're planning to make this place environmentally efficient, and maybe guard it with Navy SEALs, according to The Atlantic. We wouldn't want just anyone to be able to light up this sticky icky. Just users with legitimate, arguably medical issues (the whole state).

America's Most Oblivious at Grave Risk of Genital Burns

Hamilton Nolan · 10/04/10 02:10PM

Laptop burns! Pizza frequencies! Drug trial speed! Knife-throwing wonder! Drill-less cavities! Rabies alert! Minorities in science! It's your Monday Health Watch, where we watch your health—so single-mindedly we scarcely notice the hot item roasting our poor flesh!