
Baby Drummer Is in the Zone, Has No Idea How Hard Drumming Is

Kelly Conaboy · 11/11/14 01:32PM

Eight-and-a-half month old baby Wyatt (not this one) is in the zone. He's playing along with a Pantera song his mommy and his daddy put on in order to record a video for the Internet and he doesn't give one heck about anything that anybody thinks about it, or about the impossibilities re: a baby drumming. He's in the zone, man, and all he can do is smile. And drum.

John Cook · 12/30/13 04:18PM

"Fenriz, the drummer of Norway's Darkthrone, a group known for sounding like they are recording in a garage with one microphone, says bands that overuse computers are 'losers.'" The Wall Street Journal takes a look at metal's BPM arms race.

Otherwise Boring Game of Thrones Features Shocking Coldplay Cameo

Caity Weaver · 06/04/13 11:16AM

If you maintain a cordial to friendly relationship with any creepy nerds on the Internet, you know that many people are freaking out about an episode of Game of Thrones that aired on Sunday, in which many things happened. The most shocking thing that happened—the thing that people saw happen with their own two eyes and still cannot believe—is that Will Champion, the drummer from Coldplay, had a small cameo in the episode.

Is the Drum Circle About to Kill Occupy Wall Street?

Max Read · 10/24/11 11:24PM

Anyone who's been to Zuccotti Park in downtown Manhattan to check out the Occupy Wall Street encampment leaves thinking one thing: Jesus Christ those drummers are annoying. And now, those drummers—whose constant, irritating presence has earned the wrath of the local community board, as well as most of the occupiers—may bring down the movement itself.