
The A List: Gay Housewives Have Stupid Fights

Brian Moylan · 09/27/11 12:04PM

Last night I was busy hanging out with a boy and watching Terra Nova so I didn't watch The A List. Instead I ran into Dustin & Jayden, Manhattan's most obnoxious homosexuals, this morning after they woke up on a bench in the 57th Street NRQ station. Here's what they had to say.

The A List: Gay Housewives Tell Their Moms About Porn

Brian Moylan · 09/20/11 02:01PM

Last night I was too busy being drag queen Sylvia London's date to Michael Musto's book party to watch The A List but, guess what, Dustin & Jayden, Manhattan's most obnoxious homosexuals were there! They were having a kiki about all the gossip on the show, so we listened in rather than listen to Countess Crackerjacks sing.

The A List: Gay Housewives Smell Funny

Brian Moylan · 09/13/11 11:57AM

Last night I was too busy getting a drink spilled on me by Christina Hendricks at a movie premiere so I didn't see The A List. Luckily I ran into Manhattan's most obnoxious homosexuals, Dustin and Jayden, as they made their way from Barrage to the Q Train. They filled me in on what happened.

The A List: Gay Housewives Fight For No Reason

Brian Moylan · 08/30/11 12:11PM

Last night I was too busy eating fried chicken and talking about Big Brother to watch The A List. Luckily I ran into Dustin and Jayden, Manhattan's most obnoxious homosexuals, as they finally walked home from their hurricane party. Here's what they had to say about the gay housewives latest nonsensical dust-up.

The A List: Gay Housewives Can't Get Laid

Brian Moylan · 08/16/11 11:38AM

I was too busy cleaning the Fire Island sand out of my crevices last night to watch The A List, but luckily I got on the LIRR at Sayville with Dustin and Jayden, Manhattan's most obnoxious homosexuals. Here's what they had to say about all the action.