
Dutch Object to Royal Rap Anthem

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 04/21/13 01:18PM

The Dutch people are finally throwing off the shackles of their oppressive monarchy after the soon-to-be-king Willem-Alexander revealed his "King's Song" ( a signature of his royal lineage), "Het Koningslied." The song, composed by the British-Dutch producer John Ewbank, and performed by over 50 Dutch artists, is a sweeping composition that features rap and electronic music, a break from the more traditional songs favored by previous monarchs.

Dutch Speed Skater Sven Kramer Calls NBC Reporter Stupid

Mike Byhoff · 02/18/10 09:35AM

Americans! So stupid, right? Instant Dutch hero Sven Kramer won speed skating gold (the Dutch love speed skating), and is prompted by an American reporter to give his name and sport. His response: "Are you stupid?" Dutch heroes are awesome.

Movies We're Thankful For: Dutch

Whitney Jefferson · 11/26/09 01:00PM

Since most of us have some time off today, we're offering you some of our favorite Thanksgiving-related movies to watch instantly on Netflix. First up is the 1991 John Hughes movie, Dutch.