Media Bubble: 'Times' Hearts Hearst
Jesse · 06/05/06 01:19PM• Hearst is the a great media company with a great headquarters and great executives who do great things. Yay! [NYT]
• Actually, no, Fox Business Channel isn't going to launch anytime soon. Never mind. [B&C]
• Where's the love for E&P? [MW]
• Time Inc. has extended its deal to sell All You exclusively in Wal-mart, which means you will continue to never read it. [Mediaweek]
• Straight guys dig the Coop, too. [LAT]
• Glut of WP buyouts leads to potential glut of cake. (And to the departure of — who knew she was even a newspaper editor? — Jo Polniaczek.) [NYT]
Today in Pulitzer History: Bill Keller Wins Prize, Respects Others' Feelings
Jesse · 04/17/06 10:19AM
Today's the biggest day on newspaperland's calendar. No, not when Johnny Apple submits his novella-length list of itemized deductions to the IRS but rather when Columbia University announces the Pulitzer Prizes, promptly at 3 o'clock this afternoon. To mark the occasion, Editor & Publisher asked a bunch of former prizewinners where they were when they heard the news. Some of our favorite reporters are included in the roundup — Maureen, the News's Bill Sherman, who apparently used to cover boring-but-worthy things like Medicare fraud before becoming the paper's Jared Paul Stern reporter — but, frankly, their stories are all fairly boring. (It's a Tolstoyan thing, we imagine: Happy reporters are all alike; every unhappy reporter is unhappy in his own way.) We were stopped, however, by this intriguing story from top Timesman Bill Keller, who won in 1989 for international reporting:
Media Bubble: The World According to Jim
Jesse · 08/25/05 01:15PM• It's Jim Romenesko's media world now. We all just live and work in it. [Boston Phoenix]
• Things were bad enough for biz books already — now they'll have to compete with free-spending Conde, where Si says he'll put up to $100 million of his money into launch his new business mag. [NYP]
• Playboy to go digital. You know, so you can read the articles at home, in privacy, late at night. Like you do at all those other websites. [Folio:]
• The power of the press in action: News story leads to anti-bestiality law. And not a moment too soon. [E&P]
Media Bubble: Lawsuits and the City
Jesse · 08/23/05 02:15PM• Candace Bushnell and her Stanford Blatch-inspiring ex-manager are suing each other over money. Which seems far more like the real New York than Sex and the City ever did. [Radar]
• You know things are getting weird when far lefty Bob Scheer is echoing VF bobo Michael Wolff on the Plame case: Judy Miller is no hero, and the public should be more important than her sources. [LAT]
• E&P peacenik Greg Mitchell calls for newspapers to call for withdrawl from Iraq. Again. [E&P]
• The many personalities of Michiko Kakutani. [Media Mob/NYO]
Michael Wolff Continues to Make Friends, Influence People
Jesse · 08/12/05 10:40AM
Editor & Publisher grand poobah Greg Mitchell previews Michael Wolff's column on Plamegate in the forthcomingnew Vanity Fair — that's the Jennifer Aniston issue, and, no, by the time it hits newsstands there won't be anything in it you haven't already read about —, and he discovers Wolff in full-on conspiracy-theorist mode. [Update: OK, it's been out for a while, and we should leave the house more often.]