The Clintons Have a For-Profit College Problem Of Their Own
Brendan O'Connor · 06/22/16 02:15PM
Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump’s foray into for-profit education with Trump University, which currently faces two class-action lawsuits in California brought by former students, and one fraud lawsuit in New York, is by now well documented. In marketing materials, Trump compared Trump University to his alma mater, the prestigious Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania; in a deposition in January, he favorably compared its refund policy to the Home Shopping Network’s. Then, when called on the carpet for failing to deliver results for students, Trump said in his own defense that no one should have believed his “marketing BS.”
Your Professors Are in the Struggle and They're Not Winning Yet
Hamilton Nolan · 06/21/16 12:09PMThe Scarlet Letter of Academia
Hamilton Nolan · 05/31/16 11:30AMTexas Finally Did Something Good
Ashley Feinberg · 05/25/16 09:20AM
Mary Lou Bruner believes that Noah kept baby dinosaurs on his ark, that President Obama is a former drug-addled gay prostitute, and that the New World Order is secretly working to reduce the world’s population by roughly two-thirds. Mary Lou Bruner also believes that she would make a great representative on the Texas State Board of Education. Somehow, Texas disagreed, and last night, Mary Lou Bruner lost.
The Horrifying Reality of the Academic Job Market
Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/16 10:27AMYour Broke Adjunct Professors Would Like a Little Solidarity, Please
Hamilton Nolan · 05/02/16 10:07AMPrivate Schools Still Enable Segregation
Hamilton Nolan · 03/29/16 08:34AMTeachers Can't Afford to Live Where They Teach
Hamilton Nolan · 03/22/16 04:30PMBoston University Does Not Want to Hear Anything From Union Members
Hamilton Nolan · 03/16/16 12:12PMMost College Presidents Think Campus Race Relations Are Fine
Hamilton Nolan · 03/09/16 01:57PMOne Truly Insane Rationale For Supporting Hillary Clinton
Hamilton Nolan · 02/22/16 11:51AMMeet the Science- and Muslim-Hating Conspiracy Theorist Running for the Texas Board of Education
Ashley Feinberg · 02/11/16 03:05PM
This is Mary Lou Bruner. Mary Lou believes that baby dinosaurs lived on Noah’s ark, school shootings are a product of kids learning evolution, and the New World Order is working to reduce the world’s population by about two-thirds. Mary Lou also just so happens to be running for the Texas State Board of Education. She has a pretty good shot.