'Internet Fame' Now an Academic Subject
Hamilton Nolan · 02/06/09 04:46PMHomeschooling: Not Just for Cult Members and Celebs!
cityfile · 01/26/09 02:07PMObsessive parents no longer have to worry about sending their kids to an expensive private school where, despite the hefty tuition, they still don't get to handpick every teacher and student their child comes into contact with, personally select the school uniform, or dictate the lunch menu in the cafeteria. They can now homeschool their little ones—and they don't even have to join a religious cult in Montana to do it! Melissa Meyer and Teri Flemal are the founders of QED (or "Quality Education by Design). For $30,000 a year, they'll dispatch teachers to your house so your kids will never be forced to leave the safe cocoon of your $20 million home and risk catching a cold from some kid whose parents weren't considerate enough to bathe their youngster in anti-bacterial body wash. Plus, if you suddenly decide you want to, say, schedule a last minute field trip to the Louvre in Paris, Melissa and Teri will be more than happy to accommodate your request.
Andrea Peyser Occasionally Hates Something Correctly
Hamilton Nolan · 01/12/09 10:45AMCelebrity-Backed Mediacentric High to Add New Dimension to Private School Snobbery
Hamilton Nolan · 01/06/09 03:57PMCollege Student Soldiers Defeat Violent Lawmen!
Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/08 01:40PM'Mr. Kerrey Has Retreated into the Swayduck'
Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/08 12:24PMOur Stupid New Education Secretary Said Something Stupid!
Pareene · 12/16/08 03:59PMJulia Allison Wants To Make "Fuck You Money"
Hamilton Nolan · 12/10/08 01:11PMJulia Allison: entrepreneur, feminist, hero of our time. She's publicly announced her desire to go to business school, and when she went to visit Harvard Business School the other day "quite a few people" had read her blog and came at her with all types of questions! So naturally she sat down and made a video about her intentions—not just for her own education, but also for her fake company, Nonsociety, which she would like to sell in 3-5 years. After the jump, watch Julia expound on her well thought-out scheme to make "fuck you [Nick Denton] money":
Joining Seth Godin's Cult Is Better Than Business School!
Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/08 04:31PMFancy business school degrees—who has time for them? Instead of an MBA, wouldn't you rather have some sort of laser-printed homemade certificate stating that you spent six months hanging out with a dude who writes books about "Purple Cows" and "Small is the New Big" and "Meatball Sundae" and other made-up marketing terms? Well Seth Godin's game-changing new "Alternative MBA" is just the program for you! "This sounds as good as summer camp, MBA school, and a spot on 'The Apprentice' mixed together," says one of Seth's enthusiastic minions. Yea, that sounds about right!
Racist Columnist And Educator Sorry If You Were Offended
Hamilton Nolan · 11/18/08 03:00PMRemember that column in the Murfreesboro (Tennessee) Post last week, in which the columnist rewrote the Jeffersons theme song for the Obama election? If you're a true music fan, you may recall the killer lyric, "Well we’re movin’ on up, To Washington, D.C. To a deee-luxe pimp pad, Painted whiiiite." Yes. Well that columnist is also, fittingly, a principal at one of the town's fine schools. And he's very sorry:
The Great Private School Exodus
cityfile · 11/10/08 11:11AMWhat's the first thing to go when you're an out-of-work Wall Streeter cutting costs from the family budget? Your kids' education, apparently. Enrollment at Manhattan's top private schools is expected to drop dramatically next year as even wealthy parents think twice about shelling out $30,000 (or more) on annual tuition. At Trinity, 45 families have already given notice that they'll be leaving at the end of the year. Other schools are reporting that parents have been demanding discounts and/or haggling for more financial aid in recent weeks.
'Eco-Kids' Save The Earth By Annoying You
Hamilton Nolan · 10/10/08 12:19PMOh, good: at the same time that parents nationwide find that their savings have evaporated, their children are becoming increasingly strident about harassing them to buy solar panels, hybrid cars, and organic produce. Not only that, but apparently our tax dollars are funding public schools that turn out an army of little Green giants ready to scream over watered lawns and plastic bags. You can almost see their parents smiling tightly through gritted teeth: "That's...good, very good." But as soon as a reporter calls, the adults are ready with an entire litany of annoying complaints:
People In Florida
Hamilton Nolan · 10/08/08 10:49AMThe Future Of J-School Is Far, Far Away
Hamilton Nolan · 10/02/08 11:48AMWhen the newspaper industry is crumbling along with the American economy in general, the smartest people in all of journalism are the Northwestern J-school professors who packed up and decamped for Qatar. They left dreary Evanston, Illinois for beachfront condos in an oil-flush Middle Eastern paradise. There, they have only 39 students in total. And they don't talk back, because no one in the country really knows what journalism is all about:
Cities Will Only Survive If Completely Covered In Ads
Hamilton Nolan · 09/15/08 08:22AMMoney is burning in New York! The economy is crumbling in the heartland! It's not just the poor bankers who are going broke now; it's the cities where they live. And the cities where they don't live, which were broke to begin with. Michigan towns are already reduced to selling ads on their school buses. Could any municipality possibly be more desperate than that? Yes, New York City could:
The Dumbing Down
cityfile · 08/27/08 10:33AMU.S. News Law School Rankings Tired of Getting Pwned
Sheila · 08/26/08 09:43AMLaw school rankings couldn't possibly be rigged, could they? U.S. News is considering changing the way it ranks the schools—right now, schools can "game" the system by funneling lower-scoring students into a part-time program for their first year, where they don't count. If the magazine changes the way they rank the schools by counting part-timers, the WSJ says it "would roil the law-school rankings, which have a big impact on where students apply and from where law firms hire." Uh oh. What are some of the top-tier schools that could drop in rankings?
India, not satisified with $100 laptop, announces $10 laptop
Paul Boutin · 07/29/08 11:20AMClick to viewThe government whose Ministry of Education dismissed Nick Negroponte's One Laptop Per Child computer as "pedagogically suspect" in 2006 is now backing a plan to design, build and sell a model priced at 400 rupees, or about ten bucks. The project was discussed at a conference in New Delhi by D. Purandeshwari, Minister of State for Human Resources Development. It goes without saying that the price will be held down by a government subsidy. As former OLPC engineer Mary Lou Jepsen explains in a Big Think interview, countries might look to subsidize laptop costs with money intended for textbooks. Here's an idea for you Objectivists: Instead of criticizing India's nanny state, ask every Obama supporter you know when he's going to announce a One MacBook Per Child plan.
Saudi Arabian Textbooks Antisemitic, Scary, Shamefully Hilarious
Pareene · 07/16/08 10:39AMAmerica's best friends the Saudis are throwing a party in Spain today where they will all celebrate how tolerant they are of other religions or something. So the folks at the Center for Religious Freedom decided to translate some official school textbooks from the Saudi Ministry of Education into English so that we may all shudder at what they teach their children and also maybe kind of laugh, because it honestly reads like a Shouts & Murmers piece. We all know the Jews control the banks, but did you know they also run the nightlife?