
EJ Revealed, Robot Gives Pity Money

Chris Mohney · 07/20/06 09:30AM

In response to yesterday's post about the blonde helping a bank-bot give away $5 bills on Fifth Avenue, several readers sent in tips regarding said blonde's identity and history. She's Erin Jividen — aka EJ, not to be confused with the eponymous luncheonette — once described by the New York Daily News as an "aspiring pop tart." She seems to be all that and more, pursuing a Britneyesque path to fame via NYC club and promo appearances, plus an "off-Broadway" musical. Another reader familiar with her history notes that she used to date a gent by the name of "Laser," and "they had a group together called Disco Express, until too many people made fun of them for having the same name as Ed O'Neill's character's 70s group in The Adventures of Ford Fairlane." Certainly the unkindest cut of all. But what about that sexy robot? Thrilling first-hand account after the jump.