Justice Department Launches Investigation into Arizona's Democratic Primary
Jeff Ihaza · 04/04/16 10:45PM
In March, thousands of voters in Arizona reported waiting in hours-long lines to cast their vote in the state’s Democratic primary. Over 100,000 people have signed a petition demanding a revote in the state and now, the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice has officially opened an investigation to uncover what exactly happened during last month’s primary.
Woman, One of Many, Did Not Have Sex With Ted Cruz
Ashley Feinberg · 04/01/16 02:55PM
Ever since last week’s National Enquirer story, people have been buzzing about the fact that multiple women have (allegedly) done sex with Ted Cruz—an outrageous and upsetting claim. But no one’s more upset than DePaul student Samantha Rivera. Samantha’s had to spend the past week insisting to the world that, no, she did not have sex with Ted Cruz.
Is This a Dick or What?
Ashley Feinberg · 04/01/16 09:31AMThe Only Thing Worse Than Nominating Trump Would Be Stealing the Nomination From Him
Hamilton Nolan · 03/30/16 03:00PMDonald Trump Breaks His Solemn Word That He Wouldn't Betray the Republican Party
Brendan O'Connor · 03/29/16 09:25PMAt long last, Donald Trump has admitted that he will probably not support a Republican nominee other than himself. “We’ll see who it is,” Trump said on Tuesday night. “I have been treated very unfairly.” This, of course, comes after he pledged to support the Republican nominee regardless of who it is.
Scott Walker Endorses Ted Cruz for President
Andy Cush · 03/29/16 10:10AMTed Cruz’s Devastating Ice Bucket Challenge Video, A Close Reading
Ashley Feinberg · 03/28/16 02:23PMA few years ago, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge took the nation’s Facebook timelines by storm, as hundreds of thousands of individuals poured freezing water on their heads lest they be forced to donate money to charity. In August of 2014, current presidential candidate Ted Cruz was one of those challengers. And like most videos involving Ted Cruz, this one’s hard to watch.
Bernie Sanders Crushes Hillary Clinton in Washington Caucus
Ashley Feinberg · 03/26/16 05:59PMDonald Trump Wants You to Know Women Love Him
Ashley Feinberg · 03/26/16 05:30PMTed Cruz Is Not Going to Be a Faker Tough Guy Than Donald Trump
Jordan Sargent · 03/24/16 04:45PMAs you know, Donald Trump has been saying mean things about Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi. First he insinuated that he has some sort of dirt on her, and then last night he essentially called her ugly. Today, Cruz decided he’d had enough and delivered into the television cameras his best impression of someone who is very tough and not to be messed with anymore.
Open Carry at the Republican Convention: Yes Please
Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/16 02:25PMTed Cruz's Economic Adviser: Guy Who Was a Direct Cause of the Financial Crisis
Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/16 09:00AM"God Bless New York [a City I Hate]" -Ted Cruz
Hamilton Nolan · 03/23/16 02:40PMDonald Trump Is The Iraq War
Hamilton Nolan · 03/23/16 12:26PMBernie Sanders Wins Democratic Caucuses in Both Utah and Idaho
Brendan O'Connor · 03/23/16 01:45AMHillary Clinton and Donald Trump Win Primary Elections in Arizona
Brendan O'Connor · 03/22/16 11:05PMTed Cruz Proposes Police Patrols in Muslim Neighborhoods After Brussels Attacks
Andy Cush · 03/22/16 11:35AM
Hours after explosions tore through the Belgian capital of Brussels, killing dozens of people, Ted Cruz called for police patrols of Muslim neighborhoods in the U.S. “We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized,” the presidential candidate said in a statement.
How the Candidates Are Responding to This Morning's Terror Attack in Brussels
Andy Cush · 03/22/16 09:01AM
This morning, explosions at the airport and a metro station in Brussels killed dozens of people and injured dozens more. The dust is still settling, but the U.S. presidential candidates are already beginning to respond with calls for border control, solidarity, and waterboarding. Here’s what they have to say.