
Mystery SC Candidate's Bizarre Keith Olbermann Interview

Adrian Chen · 06/10/10 09:32PM

What the hell? At this point, it's the only reaction we can have to Alvin Greene, the unemployed veteran who beat out a much more-qualified opponent in the South Carolina Democratic Senate primary. Watch his halting Countdown interview for yourself.

Random Unemployed Dude Wins South Carolina Democratic Primary

Adrian Chen · 06/08/10 09:38PM

Some unemployed guy defeated a former legislator in South Carolina's Democratic senate primary. He had no money, no signs and no website. Did he win because of his brilliant policies? Or because his last initial came first in the alphabet?

How Did the Viral Video Candidates Do in Alabama?

Max Read · 06/02/10 01:47AM

Four candidates in Tuesday's primary elections in Alabama created campaign ads that "went viral" on the internet, including the "Most American Thing Ever" guy, Dale Peterson. So, does it help your electoral chances to have blogs laugh at your ads?