
Report: At Least 147 FBI Agents Are Investigating Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Practices [Updated]

J.K. Trotter · 03/28/16 07:32AM

Since last summer, when U.S. authorities confirmed the presence of classified information in emails sent or received by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton using her private email server, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has tried to determine whether Clinton or any of her subordinates mishandled that information—which under certain circumstances is considered a serious crime. The stakes are so high, in fact, that the F.B.I. has deployed nearly 150 full-time agents to investigate the matter, according to a lengthy report by Robert O’Harrow, Jr. of the The Washington Post:

There's No Evidence That Hillary Clinton Was "Targeted" by Russian Hackers, She Just Got Spam

Sam Biddle · 10/01/15 01:30PM

A new report from the Associated Press suggests Russian hackers deliberately attempted to infiltrate Hillary Clinton’s private email server, realizing the worst fears that critics of the server have held for months. But the story presents no evidence that any human being, Russian or otherwise, ever deliberately and knowingly attempted to hack into Clinton’s account. She just got spam, like all of us do.

Hillary Joked About Chinese Hackers Over Unsecured Private Email

Sam Biddle · 09/30/15 03:37PM

The biggest problem with Hillary Clinton’s off-the-books email server isn’t the affront to transparency, but the incalculable national security risk it presented. A newly released email from Clinton’s State Department days shows the prospect of Chinese infiltration was literally a joke to her.

How Unsafe Was Hillary Clinton's Secret Staff Email System?

Sam Biddle · 03/05/15 01:30PM

When Hillary Clinton ditched government email in favor of a secret, personal address, it wasn't just an affront to Obama's vaunted transparency agenda—security experts consulted by Gawker have laid out a litany of potential threats that may have exposed her email conversations to potential interception by hackers and foreign intelligence agencies.