
'Sucks Cuz I Used to Like It' and Other Things Gawker Made You Feel This Week

Leah Beckmann · 01/27/12 06:48PM

As the end of the week in this concrete jungle comes to a close, we are pleased to share with you yet another batch of hateful emails detailing all our many failings. And you guys, things got weird this week. We learned that Max Read practices the Five Knuckle Shuffle in the office bathroom, that one man's wife treats him like a criminal and that is fine by him, and that another reader demands to speak with George Orwell. Immediately!

The 'Gay Kim Jong Il of the Media World' and Other Well Thought Out Insults

Leah Beckmann · 01/20/12 06:14PM

TGIF ladies and germs, and welcome back to the second installment of Tail of Mears, a new feature in which we publish some of the emails we received from you this week. How's that name, everybody? Any meerkats out there I'm offending? Please continue to hate-email/blog/tweet/comment if so.

'Choke On Shit and Die Asshole' and Other Things You Said to Us This Week

Leah Beckmann · 01/13/12 06:45PM

Here at Gawker, we have an open door policy when it comes to our readers. We encourage you to send us your tips and your thoughts and opinions. Or rather, we don't give a shit about your opinions but we know you're going to send them to us anyway. You're a moxie group of aol users, aren't you? From death threats to sexual favors, it seems selfish to keep it all internal. So enjoy this small sampling of cock-filled, slime-ridden hand job offers that grace our inboxes each and everyday.

The Crazy Department-Wide Emails That Everyone at NYU Is Talking About

Max Read · 01/06/12 04:40PM

At around 3:17 on Wednesday morning, every student in NYU's Department of Social and Cultural Analysis received a bizarre "open letter" to NYU President John Sexton, from a student who claimed she'd been "forced" to do an ethnographic assignment on Occupy Wall Street. It was 2,800 words long, oddly typeset, and quickly followed up by another five equally eccentric emails. Someone sent us the full set of emails, which everyone at NYU—and elsewhere—was talking about. Want to read them?

How Email Hoarding Burned Google's CEO

Ryan Tate · 08/29/11 04:58PM

The man who used to run Google, Eric Schmidt, deleted almost every email immediately after reading it. His successor, Larry Page is an outspoken proponent of hoarding email. In whose inbox do you think the feds recently found incriminating evidence?

Teenage Hacker Breaks Into Norway Shooter's Email

Adrian Chen · 08/09/11 05:50PM

Hackers have reportedly broken into Norway shooter Anders Behring Breivik's email account and turned the contents over to police in an effort to help their investigation. See, hackers aren't all amoral cybermonsters.

The Hilarious Emails of Hollywood's Child Bride: 'We Want Money'

Maureen O'Connor · 08/05/11 02:24PM

Jeremy Baumhower produces radio tours, bringing musicians like Nick Cannon to major radio stations across America. Since Hollywood child bride Courtney Stodden is, ostensibly, a country singer, he contacted her using the email address listed on her website. The resulting exchange is comedic gold. Updated.

Rep. Allen West Calls DNC Chair 'Vile... Despicable... Not a Lady'

Max Read · 07/19/11 07:46PM

Today, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D - Fla.), the chair of the Democratic National Committee, made a speech against the "Cut, Cap and Balance" bill that just passed the House. It was pretty mild! Less mild was the response of Rep. Allen West (R - Fla.), who sent Wasserman-Schultz an email. A very intense email, exhorting her to "shut the heck up."

The Racist and Homophobic Yard Sale Posting You Won't Believe

Brian Moylan · 07/18/11 12:53PM

Imagine a bargain hunter's shock and dismay when responding to an ad on Craigslist listing a bunch of possessions for sale and then receiving an email announcing that gay people, Muslims, and illegal immigrants aren't allowed to purchase the wares. Read it for yourself.

This May Be the Most Annoying Online Dating Break-Up Email Ever

Brian Moylan · 07/07/11 03:05PM

No matter what site you use, online dating can be absolutely horrible. Sure, some people find their match on but more often than not, the people you meet are crazy, critical jerks who have you running for the door within minutes. Let's look at one horrible email from an online relationship gone sour.

Meddling Mother-In-Law Sends World's Bitchiest Email About Manners

Brian Moylan · 06/30/11 01:44PM

Over in the U.K. they like to stand by their traditions and do things a certain way. That still doesn't excuse Carolyn Bourne from sending an overly bitchy email to her future daughter-in-law, Heidi Withers, about her "rude behavior." Who is ruder here?

The Quentin Tarantino Toe-Sucking Sex Email That Will Haunt Your Dreams

Maureen O'Connor · 06/28/11 06:15PM

A young woman who works in show business emailed 15 friends last week with a tale about meeting director Quentin Tarantino at a party. She made out with him, took sexy pictures in a photo booth, and watched him whip out his "short," "fat," "nub-like" penis. She then had foot fetish quasi-sex with him, she claims.

Set of Palin Emails Only $726

Lauri Apple · 06/07/11 04:10AM

Summer bargain alert! Come Friday, you can treat yourself to 24,199 pages of electronic messages sent between Sarah Palin, her husband/snowmobile maintenance man, Todd, and various Alaska state officials, for the low, low price of $725.97. (Sorry, no Palin-to-English dictionary included.)