
Woman Exposes Her Husband's Bad Dick on Family Feud

Jay Hathaway · 10/15/14 11:30AM

Pete, a man with a bad dick, had a rough time on Monday's Family Feud. When Steve Harvey asked Pete's wife what one part of her husband's body she would choose to change, she didn't even hesitate before answering: His poor, inadequate penis.

College Points Out to Freshmen: You Are Fat

Hamilton Nolan · 08/10/11 12:06PM

Most college freshmen only find it necessary to be mortified by their roommate, their room decorations, their dorm mates, the difficulty of the classes, their struggles with newfound freedom, their all-too-frequent intoxication, and the overwhelming sense of being a lost and anonymous soul in a brand new environment in which nobody loves them. Now, at least one school is working to ensure that they're also mortified by their own lack of physical fitness. Progress!

New Blackmailing Virus Publishes Your Browsing History

Ravi Somaiya · 04/16/10 08:56AM

And then asks for payment to take down a webpage filled with all those sites you were just on because you're researching a book that you didn't tell anyone about. It particularly targets those on explicit anime sites. [BBC]