Bob Schieffer's NSA Farce
Hamilton Nolan · 08/12/13 12:18PM
Bob Schieffer, the elderly moderator of CBS's Face the Nation, once dismissed Edward Snowden as "just a narcissistic young man who has decided he is smarter than the rest of us." Yesterday, Schieffer once again addressed the issues of privacy and the NSA. His performance was an embarrassment to journalism.
This Woman Caught Dancing in an HMV Represents All of Us
Matt Cherette · 03/04/11 12:24AMRemember when, before iPods, et al. became ubiquitous, record stores—like the Virgin Megastore in Chicago, for example—had those cool listening stations that allowed you to jam out to your favorite tune in public? Those were the days.
Barney Frank Makes a Fool Out of Conservative Reporter Over 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
Brian Moylan · 12/22/10 01:01PMPayPal Busted for Bogus Wikileaks Excuse
Ryan Tate · 12/08/10 06:14PMRichard Cohen: A Journalist's Job Is to Keep the Government's Secrets
Hamilton Nolan · 12/07/10 11:56AMAudience Members Get Refunds for 'Boring' Steve Martin Appearance
Max Read · 12/02/10 03:12AMDid The Situation Just Perform the Worst Routine in Dancing with the Stars History?
Matt Cherette · 10/11/10 08:40PM"You know that was a terrible mess," said Bruno Tonioli after Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino's routine—an Argentine Tango—on tonight's Dancing with the Stars. And, honestly? It was a secondhand embarrassment-inducing mess. Watch inside. Update: Bristol Palin gets sexy!
Courtney Love Stumbles Her Way Through a Lady Gaga Cover
Matt Cherette · 09/13/10 01:15PMThis X Factor Video Will Make You Die of Secondhand Embarrassment
Matt Cherette · 09/05/10 11:56AMOy. There really isn't a good way to describe how painful these six minutes are—really. Here are soon-to-be-non-BFFs Abby and Lisa performing "That's My Goal" on this week's X Factor. Oh, also: screaming, swearing, sneering, snarking, and punching!
Demi Moore Is a Horrible Dancer
Matt Cherette · 09/01/10 02:52PMBP Apologist Congressman Keeps Position, Tweets That He Was Right
Jim Newell · 06/23/10 12:07PMMcCain Opponent Once in 'Get Free Money from the Government!' Infomercial
Jim Newell · 06/21/10 04:23PMHere is the Cover for George W. Bush's 'Memoir'
Max Read · 04/26/10 03:05AMLet's Not Forget About Michele Bachmann!
Pareene · 11/18/09 02:57PMPatricia Heaton: Bad at Math
The Cajun Boy · 08/18/09 01:26AMIn Touch Don't Know Brentwood
Richard Lawson · 06/05/09 04:03PMPaula Abdul Thinks She's Huge in Austria
Richard Lawson · 04/30/09 10:32AMEven Republicans Didn't Know Why Jindal Was Talking Like That
Pareene · 02/25/09 10:58AMLast night, America as a whole was introduced to Louisiana Governor and up-and-coming Republican superstar Bobby Jindal. And they couldn't stop giggling at him.
Foley and Edwards Emerge From Caves of Shame
Pareene · 11/12/08 10:34AM
The election is over, so bring on last season's political liabilities! Remember Mark Foley? He was the Republican Congressman from Florida who liked steamroom, and also young male congressional pages. Some, uh, inappropriate instant messenger exchanges with one of those young men came to light, and then the Republicans lost the 2006 mid-term elections. Foley said he was an alcoholic who'd been turned gay by a molesting priest as a child, resigned, and checked into rehab, never to be heard from again, until after the 2008 elections were safely over. Now he's opening up to the Associated Press, because he needs to tell his side of the story. His side of the story is sad and creepy.