
Gawker Saved the Lost Emoji

Sam Biddle · 05/21/15 04:25PM

Our legacy is secure: many of the emoji previously considered lost to the sands of time (and Unicode deliberation) were just approved for a future update. This means avocados, pregnant red dress lady, and pickles are all coming to your phone in the near future.

Jay Hathaway · 05/15/15 08:20AM

Missouri’s Republican Speaker of the House, John Diehl, resigned Thursday after his incredibly boring sexts with a 19-year-old capitol intern became public. “I am willing to face the consequences,” he announced. :kiss emoji:

ALERT: The Pear Emoji Has Overtaken Rick Ross' Instagram Comments

Jordan Sargent · 11/18/14 05:01PM

The pear emoji is not one of the world's most popular emoji, it's safe to say. How often are you eating a pear and wanting to text someone about your pear? As of this writing, per the invaluable Emoji Tracker, ":pear:" is the 570th most used emoji in the world. It has its place, and that's outside of the emoji upper class. That is unless we're talking about Rick Ross' Instagram comments.

In Praise of Gmail's Perfect, Doomed Emoji

Jordan Sargent · 08/06/14 08:00AM

Do you see this crab, running back and forth, clacking his claws in eager anticipation? Can you make this crab on your iPhone? No. But you can make it in Gmail.

Conan O'Brien is a Master Emoji Reader

Aleksander Chan · 06/24/14 09:32PM

As we move to emoji-exclusive communication, it's important to be able to decipher the multivalence of the tiny cartoons that have become the de facto shorthand for expressing...everything. If you have ever received a text that is only emoji, perhaps perplexed by what it actually says, much less means, Conan O'Brien can commiserate. He can also read and understand them perfectly.

Hundreds of New Emoji Coming to Replace More Words

Jordan Sargent · 06/16/14 05:13PM

It is safe to say that as we enter the summer of 2014, emoji demand is outpacing emoji supply. There are so many emoji, and yet, so many more words, so many emotions we can't yet ironically express via tiny images in text messages. That list, though, has dwindled: phones will soon be able to recognize up to 250 more emoji.

Beyoncé's "Drunk in Love," Translated Into Emoji

Jay Hathaway · 03/04/14 05:31PM

Someone whose texting game is seriously on point has translated "Drunk in Love" (one of the top 14 songs on the latest album by world's best Beyoncé Beyoncé Knowles) entirely into emoji.

This All-Emoji New Yorker Cover Is the Best New Yorker Cover That Never Ran

Max Read · 12/11/12 05:21PM

In honor of the annual Eustace Tilley contest at The New Yorker, in which readers submit their reinterpretations of the magazine's dandyish mascot for the cover, editor Silvia Killingsworth dug up this 2009 interpretation by Fred Benenson — a rendition consisting entirely of the Emoji, the built-in iPhone text icons. It didn't win in 2009; in fact, it didn't even make the collection of 12 that the magazine featured on its website Benenson never submitted it. He is submitting it now, though, as the update on his Flickr page says.