"You Can't Even Describe It": EPA Screw-Up Stains Animas River Orange
Hudson Hongo · 08/10/15 08:30PMSupreme Court Rules That Clean Air Is Too Expensive
Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/29/15 10:56AMEPA Emails Employees Reminding Them Not to Poop in the Hallways
Allie Jones · 06/25/14 01:35PMJustice Scalia Wrote the Wrong Facts in His Dissent Yesterday
Gabrielle Bluestone · 04/30/14 08:45PMLet's All Pretend to Be CIA Officers Now
Adam Weinstein · 12/17/13 09:51AMSpilt Milk Actually Kills Fish and Screws Up the Water
John Cook · 01/25/12 01:55PM
Hahaha! Barack Obama made a funny joke in his State of the Union speech last night about how dumb the EPA was for forcing dairy farmers to have containment plans spelling out what to do if their massive milk facilities spring a leak. Stupid EPA! It's just "spilt milk," amirite? Milk is good for you, and you shouldn't cry when you spill it! Except when you spill it in massive amounts. Then it kills fish and threatens the water supply.
Obama Nixes EPA's Proposed Smog Standards
Jim Newell · 09/02/11 12:44PMThe Two Roadblocks That Could Shut Down the Government
Jim Newell · 04/07/11 12:12PM
If a government shutdown happens, it'll be because Republicans are demanding policy restrictions in addition to spending cuts before agreeing to fund the government through September. These policy restrictions would target abortion providers and seek to limit the reach of the Environmental Protection Agency.