Small-Wanded Daniel Radcliffe Would Welcome an Onstage Erection
Kyle Buchanan · 11/24/08 03:57PMNow that footage of Daniel Radcliffe's nude performance in Equus has hit the interwebs, audiences everywhere have discovered that what the young wizard lacks in wand, he certainly makes up for in sheer balls. It's for precisely that reason that while appearing on Inside the Actor's Studio this week, Radcliffe gave James Lipton a surprising answer to the self-posed question, "Are you ever worried about getting an erection onstage?"Quite the opposite, said Radcliffe, who explained that it would at least add some inches to his much-scrutinized manhood. Take heart, Dan — at least that shrinkage brings you ever closer to your long-held dream of playing Hermione!
Naked Harry Potter Will Teach You Things About Yourself
Richard Lawson · 09/16/08 10:22AM
It's sort of gauche to post a theatre "review" while the show is still in previews, so consider the following not so much of a review as a...um...preview. I managed to score a ticket to Equus last night, the new Broadway production of Peter Shaffer's 1973 play about the sometimes disastrous confluence of religion and sex, and the perils of "modern" psychiatry. But really, the play is important because Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe is naked in it. For a good amount of time! Though I should caution that the nudity is exactly as sexy as the ensuing frenzied horse blinding sounds. It's not a gimmick or a parlor trick, just a way to communicate the raw bewilderment and wildness of Radcliffe's character, the troubled young Alan Strang. So yeah, the play about the nudity isn't so much about the nudity at all, rather it's an interesting, if curiously unmoving, intellectual deep dive into an idea of faith and science—reason, really—as two warring acts of the same mind.
Daniel Radcliffe Farts Sunshine
Richard Lawson · 08/21/08 12:01PM
Daniel Radcliffe, our avian-mugged Harry Potter of the cinema, is, as I'm sure you're all painfully and tinglingly aware, making his Broadway debut very soon in the 1970's sex play Equus. He's supposed to be fantastically brilliant in the show, and smart as a whip both on and off the stage. But, yes, most importantly he is naked in the play and gets his jibblies whilst astride a mighty steed (or mare, who the hell knows). And, evidently, he farts sunshine. You know, if this Annie Leibovitz portrait of the actor and his costar, Richard Griffiths, is any indication. Click for larger image, from Vogue.
Emma Watson Continues Bad Girl Streak By Flashing Her Britney
Molly Friedman · 04/21/08 02:05PM
Another day, another star parties in London and lets their hair down. Or in Emma Watson's case, flashes her Britney to the paparazzi. Joining the very exclusive peek-a-boo sorority helmed by Spears, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton, recently legal Hermione Granger celebrated her 18th birthday by partying across the pond with co-stars in a very demure little black dress, but made the all-too-common mistake of failing to exit her chauffered car in the proper manner. Though it appears the potential bad girl was wearing some kind of thong-ish type thing, her lacey underwear left little to the imagination. And though it's not our place, we do recommend Watson consider heading to the nearest waxer before flashing her nether regions again. A closer look after the jump.
Broadway Audiences Will Soon Learn If Daniel Radcliffe Is Hung Like His Horse
Molly Friedman · 04/09/08 12:30PM
Finally, a good reason to shell out for tickets to a Broadway show: People reports this morning that Daniel Radcliffe and his treasure trail are set to make their stateside debut when Equus arrives in New York this September. Unlike all those rumors claiming tabloid favorites like Kevin Federline and Nicole Richie were ready to high-kick and lip sync their way through musicals, Radcliffe's smash hit in London was a far cry from stunt casting. But Harry Potter sounds a bit more nervous than he is excited: