
Georgetown 'Univeristy' Has Some Trouble With Spelling

Max Read · 05/22/11 09:35AM

A tipster sent in one of the above photos of Georgetown University's thick commencement book, which cleverly doubles as a last-minute spelling test. We're not, obviously, in a great position to criticize the typographical errors of others; on the other hand, we're not an accredited institution of higher learning. [other image via Jason Hettenbaugh]

Here's a Washington Post Story With All the Editor's Notes In It

Hamilton Nolan · 03/15/11 09:02AM

If you spend more than five minutes talking to an editor, you're sure to hear about how some story or other was a total piece of shit before said editor got his hands on it. Now you can judge for yourself! The Washington Post mistakenly posted this health story by Laura Ungar online with ALL OF THE EDITOR'S ALL-CAPS NOTES INCLUDED. [The final version of the story hasn't been published yet.] We've pasted it below in case it gets pulled. Editors make typos, too! Kill them!

New York Post Still Can't Tell Black People Apart

Max Read · 03/08/11 12:55AM

The New York Post does not have a great track record at telling black people apart, whether they're media moguls or reality TV stars, so we can't say we're surprised that this Page Six item about R&B singer Mary J. Blige ran with an incorrectly-captioned picture of R&B singer Keri Hilson (full screenshot below). But we know running a daily newspaper can be difficult, so we've created this handy visual guide to help the Post distinguish between Ms. Blige and Ms. Hilson. No more drama, indeed! [pics via AP]

A Bunch of Dead People Got Stimulus Checks

Adrian Chen · 10/07/10 10:37PM

A new report says that 72,000 stimulus checks went to dead people. Outrage! And if they're dead, it proves they were just going to spend their $250 on cigarettes, alcohol and guns. (How else did they die?) Double-outrage!

MSNBC Pulls a Trick From the Fox News Playbook

John Cook · 10/07/09 09:42AM

In this clip, MSNBC's Contessa Brewer reports new Gallup poll data showing that "just nine percent approve of the GOP" in Congress. She's wrong. It's MSNBC's version of Fox News putting a "(D)" after the name of every pedophile Republican.

Thanks, But No Thanks: Annie Le's Funeral

Foster Kamer · 09/26/09 06:15PM

Murdered Yale student Annie Le's funeral was today. I wasn't going to write anything about it, because, you know, not a story. Not even a footnote. Apparently, I'm wrong:

Grisly Annie Le Scoop False, Say Cops

Hamilton Nolan · 09/22/09 08:45AM

Yesterday the New York Post ran a gruesome update on the Annie Le murder, saying that Le's killer "broke the bones and mangled the body" before stuffing her into a wall. New Haven cops say: False.

Layoffs at AP Entertainment Beat

Hamilton Nolan · 08/27/09 12:44PM

In your recovering Thursday media column: layoffs at the AP, a truly awesome correction, another restaurant critic gets canned, the SPJ conference is good for alkies, and Incisive Media has contest that is fun and tasty!