NBC Executive Fired After Only Two Months on the Job
Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/17/14 11:20PMThese Proudly Racist States Would Hate a Redskins Name Change
Adam Weinstein · 06/20/14 03:10PMEverybody Is Down For a Gay NFL Player Except Maybe These Two States
Adam Weinstein · 02/10/14 10:50AMTV Spells "Butt," Accidentally
John Cook · 01/16/14 11:48AMTaylor Berman · 07/16/13 11:04PM
Keith Olbermann Wants to Work at ESPN Again
Taylor Berman · 03/03/13 11:53PM
Keith Olbermann, famed observer of reckless drivers and occasional Gawker emailer, is reportedly testing the waters at ESPN, the station he left in 1997 in a typically bridge-burning/napalming fashion. Several times over the last year, the former Current and MSNBC host reached out to ESPN president John Skipper with friendly "Gee, I would love to have dinner" emails, and finally, some time a few months ago, the two dined together at New York's Four Seasons restaurant:
Neanderthal Recreates Nirvana's Nevermind
Jordan Sargent · 02/05/13 07:03PM
Believe it or not, five-time Olympic gold medalist Ryan Lochte is still a thing. The swimmer, who took America by storm last year after winning five overall medals in the London Olympics despite barely being able to form complete sentences, is still hanging around the edges of pop culture before Dancing With the Stars or whatever inevitably comes calling. What does this month bring? Well, a magazine cover, of course.
Predicting 2013: Fast Food, ESPN and Your Youth Will Become Indigestible
Mobutu Sese Seko · 01/02/13 02:45PMWho's More Unprofessional: Keith Olbermann Or His Last Four Employers?
Max Read · 03/30/12 06:18PM
Keith Olbermann was just fired from Current TV — and we hear that chances of him actually showing up to a slated appearance with old Sports Center cohost Dan Patrick at a panel in New York City next Thursday are not much higher than the lottery odds. Guess Dan will have to do this one by himself. Not that he should be surprised, given Keith's history of trouble with his networks.
Hank Williams Jr. Packs It In
Jim Newell · 10/06/11 02:57PM
Hank William Jr. has had it with the political correctness of the Hitler-ish ESPN sports television corporation. You will never hear his "Are you ready for some football" song on Monday Night Football ever again. He's refusing the to lend the economy his productive services, now, after being treated so badly for sharing his political views on Fox & Friends Monday morning. Either that, or he got fired.
ESPN Just Doesn't Care About This 'Journalism' Crap
Hamilton Nolan · 02/15/11 02:19PMLet the Intellectual Backlash Against The Daily Begin
Hamilton Nolan · 02/14/11 02:22PM
In your warming Monday media column: Jacob Weisberg points out that The Daily has no clothes, CBS is still wooing Katie Couric, rumors of Gannett getting rid of USA Today, Arianna Huffington stiffs a high school reporter, Dan Le Batard hammers a word stake in Deadspin's black heart, and alpacas attack.
Angry Alpaca Attacks Unsuspecting ESPN Reporter
Whitney Jefferson · 02/14/11 12:14PMESPN's Statistics Read By Celebrities: Hey, It's Sean Astin!
Chris Wyman · 01/06/11 12:42PMFear not, Seattle Seahawks fans (both of you) — your team may be a DEEP underdog against the Saints on Saturday, but here are some inspiring words from legendary portrayer-of-underdogs Sean "Rudy" Astin, as seen on yesterday's SportsNation.