Rules for Using the 'Reply All' Button
Brian Moylan · 06/17/10 01:18PMSally Quinn Is a Creep
Hamilton Nolan · 06/02/10 12:32PMNYT Columnist Appropriately Ejected From Restaurant
Hamilton Nolan · 05/11/10 02:05PMTwitter Gives Grammar Junkies a New Way to Feel Superior
Brian Moylan · 04/28/10 04:49PMThe Nine Types of Text Messaging Monsters
Brian Moylan · 04/27/10 03:28PMSubway Etiquette, Part II: Illustrated Guide and Vigilante Warriors
Maureen O'Connor · 04/23/10 05:54PM13 Things Not to Do on a Plane
Hamilton Nolan · 04/08/10 02:46PMIf You Use Foursquare, You Are an Annoying Jackass
Brian Moylan · 03/31/10 01:44PMThe Eight Types of People to Unfollow on Twitter or Defriend on Facebook
Brian Moylan · 03/24/10 01:17PMMatt Damon Puts the "Wanna F Him" in "RFK"
Adrian Chen · 02/24/10 02:21AMA Few Simple Rules for NYC's New Taxi-Share Program
Brian Moylan · 02/22/10 03:52PMRich Lady Wants You and Your Grubby Shoes to Know She Is Not a Bad Hostess
Brian Moylan · 01/28/10 04:05PMActually, Yes, I Do Mind Taking Off My Shoes
Brian Moylan · 01/28/10 01:09PMHow To Shake Hands Like a Dapper English Gentleman
Arianna Reiche · 01/21/10 11:30AMSomewhere between finishing school and judo camp is this, the dapper gent's guide to shaking hands without getting trapped in an aggressive grip, coming off as stout, or simply seeming too gay.
An Etiquette Guide to Pushing Your Cause on Twitter
Doree Shafrir · 01/14/10 12:38PMThe Two-Step Monogamy Shuffle Becomes the Relationship-Omission Tango
Doree Shafrir · 01/08/10 11:43AMLet's Do the Two-Step Monogamy Shuffle Again!
Doree Shafrir · 01/07/10 12:47PMYour Cellphone Isn't a Megaphone
cityfile · 10/23/09 03:03PM
If you're the kind of person who uses the speaker phone function on your cellphone in public—thus subjecting strangers to both sides of your totally mundane conversation—be sure to read what happened to "Argentine opera diva" Gabriela Pochinki when she pulled the stunt at an Upper West Side restaurant last week. These stories never have happy endings, we assure you. [NYDN]
The Etiquette of Texting
cityfile · 05/28/09 01:09PM
The Times has tackled the perils of texting on two occasions this week. (See here and here.) Teenagers are so determined to communicate with their peers, they're going without sleep to do it! They're texting in the middle of class and now their grades are dropping! Millions of teenage thumbs are now in need of medical attention! It's "texting anarchy," reports Cindy Post Senning, Emily Post's great-granddaughter. But aren't there times when texting is okay? "What about if they are stuck sitting at a table with a bunch of strangers at a wedding dinner or charity event, and the person on the other end is their spouse, who is being hijacked by Jihadists, and possibly sending their last goodbyes?" Every once in awhile, there are some shades of gray! [The Feedbag]