
The TV Pilots the Networks Bought

Richard Lawson · 02/03/09 03:52PM

We've received an unofficial list of the TV pilots the broadcast networks have ordered for next season. Boldly Going Nowhere and Mitch Hurwitz's project sound promising; David E. Kelley can't make anything but legal dramas.

Banksy: An Artist That Does Not Suck

Hamilton Nolan · 04/17/08 01:18PM

If you're going to be in the Hong Kong area next week, here's something for you to do: stop by the Fabrik Gallery and see the art exhibition from guerilla stencil artist Banksy. Why do I tell you this? Just to segue into this point: Banksy is good! So suck on that, all previously stated Gawker evaluations of the man and his work! Okay, we all have opinions. After the jump, a few examples of Banksy's art that you could buy at this show, if you were quite wealthy. Despite earlier protestations to the contrary, these do not suck.