
Amazon's Best Excuses for Abusing Sick and Pregnant Workers

Ryan Tate · 09/20/11 03:16PM

Workers in an Amazon.com warehouse were routinely sent to the emergency room because of sweltering, suffocating heat that sometimes exceeded 110 degrees — and because Amazon refused to open warehouse doors, fearing theft, according to a devastating exposé in the Allentown, Pennsylvania Morning Call. After workers, an E.R. doctor and a security guard complained, federal regulators investigated the warehouse and recommended changes. Amazon responded with popsicles, bandanas and finger pointing.

An Evil Movie Theater Conspiracy Is Ripping You Off

Ryan Tate · 05/23/11 03:04PM

Movie theater owners have been caught routinely running 2D movies through dark 3D lenses, ruining the quality. And they refuse to talk about the apparently widespread problem. As if you needed another reason to skip the overpriced, advertising laden cinema.

How Twitter Extorted a Desperate City

Ryan Tate · 04/06/11 06:25PM

Twitter, the lavishly funded microblogging service, is bullying its hometown of San Francisco into $22 million in tax breaks even as the city cuts health, police, transit and virtually all other city services. So much for Twitter's bleeding heart pretensions.

The Secret Dealer for Farmville Addicts

Ryan Tate · 09/10/10 10:48AM

The company behind Mafia Wars and Farmville doesn't like to talk about the sad addicts who fuel its profits. But it does quietly run a special store for them, where imaginary credits are bought with very real bank transfers.

The Dark Side of Steve Jobs

Ryan Tate · 04/13/10 01:51PM

Steve Jobs seduced New York's media moguls all too easily, convincing them his iPad would magically keep them in business — and in chauffeured limos. But nothing easy comes free, and the publishers' digital debt is now due.

Apple Only Wants 16+ Year-Olds Working Its Dodgy Sweatshops

Ryan Tate · 03/01/10 02:13PM

Apple products are made in factories that regularly employ young teenagers, constantly work people more than 60 hours per week, and falsify records to cover up their misdeeds. That's according to the shameless gossiping muckrakers at... uh, Apple Inc.

Yahoo Nukes Man's Photos Over Obama Comments

Ryan Tate · 06/09/09 05:51PM

Flickr user Shepherd Johnson was browsing the official White House photostream one night when he decided to post a politically-charged comment. Then another, then another. Soon, without warning, Yahoo's photo-sharing service deleted his account, complete with 1,200 pictures.