
Are All the Kids In Danger of Doing Nasty Mouth Tobacco?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/22/09 01:16PM

America's biggest tobacco companies voluntarily stopped advertising cigarettes in magazines, because they care about you, the tobacco consumer. But hey, have you tried this new "Snus?" Try it, in your mouth! Check out the magazine ad for it!

Most People Clicked This Post a Lot

Hamilton Nolan · 09/14/09 03:39PM

Savvy corporations are now using implied peer pressure—Your Neighbors Are Buying It—to induce you, the consumer, to buy things in order to keep up with the mainstream. Proving once again: We're all dumber than average. [WSJ]

Swing In Shame, Fat Kids

Hamilton Nolan · 12/09/08 05:24PM

How to make fat Swiss children change their ways? How about slapping an "Every fifth child is overweight" sticker on playground swings which are refitted with super-thick chains to hold up the fat ass of the fat child trying to swing on the anti-fat ad swing? That'll teach 'em to go out in public! An ad agency did this, by choice. [Copyranter at Animal]

Major Ad Conglomerate Makes Bad Ads For Robert Mugabe

Hamilton Nolan · 06/24/08 08:29AM

Zimbabwean dictator and overall monster Robert Mugabe is one of the world's top bad guys. But if you're running an ad agency in Zimbabwe, hey, work is work. So a firm called Imago—owned by Young & Rubicam, the US ad giant—made a bunch of ads for Mugabe's "re-election" campaign. Now Y&R is falling over itself to cut its ties with Imago, possibly because Mugabe's wickedness has been front-page news in the US for the last week. The fun part: the ads sucked big time! Especially the one that looks like a wicked political acid trip. And we have the evidence:

The New York Post Just Tried to Kill Me!

ian spiegelman · 03/22/08 11:03AM

Okay. I was browsing Page Six online just now when a screamy virus warning jumped up and the page I was reading disappeared. I haven't looked at the Post's website in forever, but this MacBook is only two months old and this is the first virus scare it's ever had. So if there's anything good over there, lemme know, coz I'm not going back. Too scary! [NYP]