
Charles Darwin Loses To Missing Link

Oscar Mitchell · 11/08/12 11:03PM

In a hotly contested Congressional race in Georgia, Charles Darwin, the father of evolutionary thought, was unable to beat Republican Paul Broun. Darwin, well known for suggesting that men landed on earth after being deported from the Planet of the Apes, failed to unseat the incumbent, who campaigned on an anti-science platform, and at times refused to acknowledge that air existed, since he was unable to see it.

Scientists Mystified by the Female Orgasm

Max Read · 09/06/11 11:18PM

After years of debate, and women just being, like, duh, scientists have finally come to agree that the female orgasm exists. And yet this poses an even more vexing question: Why?

Rick Perry Gives Up the Ghost on the 'Intelligent Design' Lie

John Cook · 08/18/11 01:55PM

Cartoon Texan Rick Perry was asked this morning if he believed in evolution, and his answer was surprising. Not because he does not, in fact believe in evolution (it's just "a theory that's out there"), but because he admitted that the alternative to teaching evolution in schools is essentially religious indoctrination.

Robots Are Getting Irish Brains

Hamilton Nolan · 07/26/11 04:19PM

Hole phobia! Particle colliders! Universe analysis! Predator prey! Introvert extrovert! Urban evolution! Science retraction! Melting ice! And surly robots spouting impenetrable brogue! It's your Tuesday Science Watch, where we watch science—despicably, if possible!

New Miss USA Miraculously Believes in Evolution

Adrian Chen · 06/20/11 05:02PM

Meet 21-year-old Alyssa Campanella, your new Miss USA: She's beautiful, talented and, best of all, not willfully ignorant of hundreds of years of scientific knowledge. The winner of this year's Miss USA pageant believes in evolution!

Why You Don't Have a Spiny Penis

Max Read · 03/10/11 02:02AM

Human penises, much to the relief of most humans, lack the "barb-like structures found in many mammals" known as penile spines. For many of us, knowing that we will never encounter a barbed penis is enough; for scientists, who are the guy at the party saying, "I mean, sure, it's a nice present, but have you checked out its teeth?" the human penis's curious lack of spines is a question to be asked, and answered, and told to everyone.

This Gorilla Walks Upright Like a Man

Matt Cherette · 01/27/11 03:06PM

It's Thursday, so what better a time to show you a video of a gorilla walking upright like a man—and like a boss, naturally—while all of the other gorillas look on in jealousy? That's what I thought, y'all.

Futurama Debates Evolution For You

Henry Baker · 08/13/10 12:20AM

On tonight's Futurama, The Professor was challenged with a pertinent evolutionary debate. Watch as he is right about something for the first time ever.

Gravity Is Fake But Cake Is All Too Real

Hamilton Nolan · 07/13/10 04:11PM

Gravity controversy! Fecal news! Fatty cake brain! Shady brainy babies! Lottery science magic! Shirts, singing! Who knows what secrets the universe holds? The Tuesday Science Watch does! Because we watch your science—clad in pop tune follicles!